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Toronto or Melbourne?

I have a friend who is 20-30 and wants to go traveling. I've been to both but a long time ago.

I love both cities but Melbourne probably wins by a rizla because of the alternative culture, although Toronto obviously has this too.

If you had to spend 12 months in one of them, which would it be and why?

I spent an academic year in Toronto long ago. I'd be happy to go back.

I don't know Melbourne at all, but I've always thought that I'd feel out of place in Australia. There seems to be too much of suburbia and the beach about it, livened up with poisonous wildlife. This may all be prejudice that would vanish if I actually went there, obviously.
I spent an academic year in Toronto long ago. I'd be happy to go back.

I don't know Melbourne at all, but I've always thought that I'd feel out of place in Australia. There seems to be too much of suburbia and the beach about it, livened up with poisonous wildlife. This may all be prejudice that would vanish if I actually went there, obviously.
Melbourne isn't really a beach city. It's an alternative subculture of small venues, alternative stores and independant run places that run adjacent to the massive coffee culture and casino industry that flanks either side of the river. From what I remember
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Help me oit with what please.

Genuine Q. Most of Toronto as I remember is underground because of the weather isn't it?
some of downtown toronto is indeed underground, where there are miles of tunnels with shops. but the most part of it is above ground. i don't think anyone lives underground in toronto - last time i was there numerous high-rise blocks of condos were going up, 60, 70 or 80 floor beasts.
If you go to Toronto, there are trains to both Montreal and Ottawa.

Help me oit with what please.

Genuine Q. Most of Toronto as I remember is underground because of the weather isn't it?

Some of Toronto is underground, but not most of it.

Same as Montreal --https://gotourismguides.com/montreal/montreal-underground-city-map/
Melbourne - its a no brainer for me, great weather most of the time, sports and beach and culture of a kind available in the city. Got to get used to how to turn right in the city or you could become an ex you!

I spent a couple of weeks in Melbourne, in relatively mild weather, I spent 24 hours in Toronto in mid winter - it was dire!! :)
I suspect most people will pick Melbourne and really, if you can't do properly cold weather, you should go there.

But for me, not only is Toronto the most fantastic, diverse, interesting city but you're within striking distance of many other brilliant bits of North America, including two of the greatest and undercelebrated cities, Montreal and Chicago.
I suspect most people will pick Melbourne and really, if you can't do properly cold weather, you should go there.

But for me, not only is Toronto the most fantastic, diverse, interesting city but you're within striking distance of many other brilliant bits of North America, including two of the greatest and undercelebrated cities, Montreal and Chicago.

you're within striking distance of many other brilliant bits of North America, including two of the greatest and undercelebrated cities, Montreal and Ottawa.

To watch the Leafs.
Just lost 3-2 at home to the Islanders. ☹️
To watch the Leafs.
Just lost 3-2 at home to the Islanders. ☹️


Promoting a team that last won the cup in 1967!!!!

Greetings new person. If you are from Toronto, I'm only 5 hours from you :)

Oh - OP - if you chose Toronto, you can tour the hall of fame and see the Stanley cup.

Promoting a team that last won the cup in 1967!!!!

Greetings new person. If you are from Toronto, I'm only 5 hours from you :)

Oh - OP - if you chose Toronto, you can tour the hall of fame and see the Stanley cup.
5 hrs, does that make you a toilet seat?
No, I live in the Land of the Iceni.
Fairly recent convert to hockey. I think this is my 5th season as a Leafs fan.
I support Leeds so I'm used to following teams that haven't won anything in a while.
I also support England and they haven't won anything since 1966.
With a decent tailwind London is only ~5 hours from Toronto.

The Hall of Fame is weird, knowing nothing about the game but with a couple of hours to kill I poked my nose in, was like entering a cathedral in a particularly devout part of the world, loads of reverence on display.

Heading back with the family next month, looked at a Basketball games, fuck me sideways, the cost of any seats that are close enough to actually watch the game, would be around £750 for the 4 of us, we'll watch in the hotel bar instead...
You are capable, so start a thread.
I figure if nobody has started one in 20 years there's probably not much point.
I'll give it a go though.
Probably not now, it's getting late. I only stayed up for the Leafs game.
5-4 win at home against the Stars.
I figure if nobody has started one in 20 years there's probably not much point.
I'll give it a go though.
Probably not now, it's getting late. I only stayed up for the Leafs game.
5-4 win at home against the Stars.

Enjoy your team's win - they don't win too often :p

Did you check out the new women's professional league? I Home Page

Toronto has a team....
Melbourne by a country mile. I've lived in both. I left Toronto after 6 months (i had a year long visa) to go to New York, which is what Toronto wishes it was. It's not. It's cold and there are relatively few "interesting" neighborhoods and the center is soulless and unfriendly.

Melbourne has lemon trees, more smiles, friendlier people, way more "interesting" neighborhoods beyond its own soulless center, the sea nearby, beautiful countryside around it, kangaroos, and the people have a much better sense of humor compared to the Canadians.
I've done both. Liked both.

Everyone is saying Toronto is cold.
In fact it's boiling hot and freezing cold. It does both. Flips suddenly from one to t'other.

Melbourne does hotter than the sun and mild.

To live?
Melbourne is expensive to eat, drink, shop.

Toronto, I was surprised how cheaply I could eat good.
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