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This is a long shot - but I need a MASSIVE favour...Could someone contact my GP's surgery for me...?


Urban's Village Idiot
It's impossible to do anything without a phone (which as I might have mentioned has been ½-inched by the sadistic jobsworths holding me hostage). I DESPERATELY need to see a doctor (and it's likely my only way out of this shitehole). I'm getting desperate because I am now beginning to suffer from really rather severe blurred, double vision and photophobia (I'm now having to send emails in 72pt because otherwise I can't see what the fuck I'm writing). I believe I have Graves' disease (or some form of hyperthyroidism) and that fucks up your sight (If you know who Marty Feldman was he had Graves' opthalmopathy). Staff won't do anything they're told unless they're told to do so by their manager. I've been trapped in this room nearly a year now.

It's East Trees in Fishponds. If you can help, please DM and I'll give you my real name - I have no idea who I'm actually registered with there. There's a form on the website, but I can't send that without having a phone number.

It really is rather urgent because I'm TERRIFIED the stress of this will trigger thyroid storm (which is fatal if not promptly treated). Fuckers really, REALLY. DO. NOT. CARE. I'm on edge constantly because they won't stop creeping around outside the flat and the creaking of the floorboards does my head it - I'm on edge all the fucking time.

Thank you


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