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Things in the Real World that make you think of TELLY or FILLUMS

When they empty the glass recycling bin into the bin lorry in the garage of the block I Iive in every Saturday morning, I’m reminded of the drums that play out at the end of every episode of Eastenders
Maybe not quite what you mean but every time my sister misses two consecutive doses of oxycodone it's like Trainspotting but dangerously real. Fuck that drug and the idiots who have addicted thousands in the UK alone.
When they empty the glass recycling bin into the bin lorry in the garage of the block I Iive in every Saturday morning, I’m reminded of the drums that play out at the end of every episode of Eastenders
In the kitchen at work when you turn the tap on for the first time that day it sounds like the main Predator theme

I used to live in a house where the electricity was on a meter and the actual meter thing itself was in the basement, so whenever we forgot to top it up and the lights went out and I'd have to go down into the dark basement to get the key thing to take down to the shops, it always made me think of that bit from Jurassic Park where that fella gets eaten by velociraptors while he's trying to get that key thing from the meter so they can go down the newsagents and get the power to come back on.
I don't see them very often these days, but when i do i always think of The Professionals.

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Aww... I had a flame red capri with a black vinyl top in the early 80s. It was a thing of beauty - if you ignored the brown rust colouration, holes in the bodywork, rotted sills, permeable exhaust, dubious chassis, total lack of stability doing anything over 60mph and the fact you could unlock the doors with a 50 pence piece :thumbs:
I used to live in a house where the electricity was on a meter and the actual meter thing itself was in the basement, so whenever we forgot to top it up and the lights went out and I'd have to go down into the dark basement to get the key thing to take down to the shops, it always made me think of that bit from Jurassic Park where that fella gets eaten by velociraptors while he's trying to get that key thing from the meter so they can go down the newsagents and get the power to come back on.
Wait, what. You went to the dark and spooky basement on your own? Have you never seen like any horror movies ever????? :rolleyes:
And all the parts of Toronto, Glasgow etc. that stand in for New York because it's cheaper to film there
Glasgow being Philadelphia for World War Z. I've never been to Philadelphia but my Glasgow-based sister has and she reckoned despite the US street signs and cars and stuff, the resemblance was slight.
I used to live in a house where the electricity was on a meter and the actual meter thing itself was in the basement, so whenever we forgot to top it up and the lights went out and I'd have to go down into the dark basement to get the key thing to take down to the shops, it always made me think of that bit from Jurassic Park where that fella gets eaten by velociraptors while he's trying to get that key thing from the meter so they can go down the newsagents and get the power to come back on.
Basements are absolutely heaving with raptors, ghosts, aliens and deranged pyscho's, they're probably the most dangerous places on the planet when it's dark.
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My dad once lived in a house called 'Brookside' - I always fancied getting him a doorbell that played the opening theme music.
Saw an advert on the side of a bus for Sainsbury's Tu clothing thing with the fairly meaningless slogan "Tu works every time" and my brain auto-corrected it to "60% of the time, Tu works every time". Similarly, I feel like whenever I see a model of something part of me goes "What is this, a [x] for ants?"
Saw an advert on the side of a bus for Sainsbury's Tu clothing thing with the fairly meaningless slogan "Tu works every time" and my brain auto-corrected it to "60% of the time, Tu works every time". Similarly, I feel like whenever I see a model of something part of me goes "What is this, a [x] for ants?"
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