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there's hope for the labour party yet: scientists

Pickman's model

Starry Wisdom
scientists declare there is hope for the labour party after unveiling plans to recreate the woolly mammoth. an international team of scientists have completed major dna study of the extinct beast and fuel hopes of producing clone to live in special park. http://siberiantimes.com/science/ca...-be-brought-back-to-life-in-siberian-reserve/

however, the fortunes of any resurrected labour party might not be felt in britain but on an island like severnaya zamlya: the last thing anyone wants is a miliband or kinnock running free.
So if Labour are Mammoths does that make the Lib Dems dinosaurs? We can't resurrect em, the DNA is to fucked.
So if Labour are Mammoths does that make the Lib Dems dinosaurs? We can't resurrect em, the DNA is to fucked.
The aurochs - many attempts have been made to go back to it from what feeble remnants of it are around now, but every result has been disastrous.
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