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The Three Body Problem - Books and TV Adaptations (some spoiler warning)


Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
To stop the three body problem taking over the Netflix thread any longer.

I have just finished the western TV version. I have to say, that despite the overall underlying ideas presented I was mostly underwhelmed. The mashing of all the books characters into a group of friends seems to have removed the global element and bogged down the show in tedious long stretches of 'BBC soap/drama'
I was however 'whelmed' enough to seek out the Chinese TV series again (I started watching about six months ago but gave up) and perhaps the books (scifi books have not been a thing for me since I was in my 20s).
The science ideas involved are very interesting, I wish the TV show had focused on this. I heard there was a lot of worry about the netflix show being too hard to understand, but in my opinion, if anything it was far too basic, or at least didn't go into enough detail (It did do a good job of laying the ground for potentially confusing ideas in a very easy to understand way, it just didn't build on the 'hard science' bits enough. I would far rather the drama was focused here rather than a tedious (and not fully formed) love triangle etc.

A lot of, but not all, the soap/drama and character mashing stuff serves as exposition for events later in the books, aspects of which have been brought forward. So hopefully we’ll get a pay off for those in future series.
I listened to the audiobooks a while ago, maybe give those a go, you might find that works better for you than reading the books?
I listened to the audiobooks a while ago, maybe give those a go, you might find that works better for you than reading the books?
Maybe. I just haven't seemed to get on with any books that are not autobiographies for years and years now. I can't put my finger on why.
I do listen to several science podcasts, so maybe it will tally up with that to some respect.
A lot of, but not all, the soap/drama and character mashing stuff serves as exposition for events later in the books, aspects of which have been brought forward. So hopefully we’ll get a pay off for those in future series.
I think I would have preferred a slow burn with elements coming together later. It just seems to be a very small world in the TV series, in what I assume was supposed to be a very global story.
Obviously hard for me to really comment without reading the books.

Either way, I REALLY didn't like all the kitchen sink waffle.

RE casting.
Why so many comic actors? I wonder if it was a way to get noticeable / notable mid range actors involved without them all being overly pretty plastic daytime bores.
Only on episode two. I really liked the book, but wondered how they would be able to film it, as it probably was unfilmable without massive changes. So far I think the telly is good, but it’s more like a ‘normal ‘ SF TV show . Will see how it develops.
I didn't mind the 'BBCness'. I would also have liked more of the science, but I did like the character development. Aside from Raj, who's annoying, the core characters are developed in believable ways. Benedict Wong is great as the deadpan cop, so 'BBC casting' can work. The scenes set in China are also very well done imo.

And why not have comic actors in the minor roles? I don't get the problem with that. Ade Edmonson plays it very straight anyway. The League of Gentlemen chaps are playing fictional parts in a game, so why not ham it up?
Watched 4 ep's so far. About to do the rest today. May change my mind when i've seen them all but i've liked it so far and can understand the "science" stuff enough to follow the story:) and it doesn't seem that "soapy" to me.

I have read the viewing figures haven't been that high (for the budget they spent) so there is a danger of netflix not renewing it.
And why not have comic actors in the minor roles? I don't get the problem with that. Ade Edmonson plays it very straight anyway. The League of Gentlemen chaps are playing fictional parts in a game, so why not ham it up?
I have no problem with it whatsoever, it's just that it seems so evident that there was a conscious decision to cast comedy actors that I was curious as to what the thinking behind that was.
I have read the viewing figures haven't been that high (for the budget they spent) so there is a danger of netflix not renewing it.
Maybe that's why there is so much dull drama. There are only a few good big budget set pieces but several really dodgy cheap looking FX peppered throughout. Between all that it's people talking in mostly unimaginative set ups. It definitely does not look like the big budget, big concept sci fi behemoth the build up promised. Wasted all that money on all Snyders shite netflix content.
Can’t remember where I read it, but there was an interesting review of this regarding the ‘hard to understand’ criticism/low viewing figures.

Apparently, Netflix content creators are increasingly being asked to supply ‘visual muzak’ because for a lot of viewers the TV/laptop isn’t actually the primary screen when they’re watching a show/film, it’s still secondary to their phones, so when they look up from their phones they don’t want to be confused by what’s happening on the screen they should be focused on. Or summit like that. Obvs this doesn’t apply to your Urban viewer.;)
I have no problem with it whatsoever, it's just that it seems so evident that there was a conscious decision to cast comedy actors that I was curious as to what the thinking behind that was.
I had no idea who any of the actors were. I didn't even clock it was Adrian Edmondson until I read something about it.
Comics spotted: Ade Edmondson, Mark Gattiss, Reece Sheersmith. Not spotted any others.
Just off the top of my head. . . The boyfriend from Extraordinary. . . but I am sure I spotted more than that. Eldon has been mentioned.
Wong was a comic actor. Arguably so was Price at one time.
I'm enjoying the Chinese version on YouTube (on ep. 7) and reading the book too. The book is very good so far...
In 2012, it was described as one of China's most successful full-length novels of the past two decades. (Wikipedia)
I had stopped reading scifi for a few years, but now seem to be on a row, lots of modern scifi to catch up on :)

2 eps to go on Netflix... At one point it felt like an episode of Dr Who 😂
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I didn't mind the 'BBCness'. I would also have liked more of the science, but I did like the character development. Aside from Raj, who's annoying, the core characters are developed in believable ways. Benedict Wong is great as the deadpan cop, so 'BBC casting' can work. The scenes set in China are also very well done imo.

And why not have comic actors in the minor roles? I don't get the problem with that. Ade Edmonson plays it very straight anyway. The League of Gentlemen chaps are playing fictional parts in a game, so why not ham it up?

Benedict Wong is a character in 15 stories high with sean lock. Coincidence? :hmm:
I'm enjoying the Chinese version on YouTube (on ep. 7) and reading the book too. The book is very good so far...

I had stopped reading scifi for a few years, but now seem to be on a row, lots of modern scifi to catch up on :)

2 eps to go on Netflix... At one point it felt like an episode of Dr Who 😂
Three versions on the go at once! Is that a problem? :hmm:
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