Its sunny somewhere.
If there was ever a reason that Google bought Motorola, and I was at a bit of a loss to why, here is their first attempt at turning around an ailing business. And I see this as a very healthy 1st attempt too.
Make something that people want to buy. What looks like a very decent spec at a price that turned my head and I'm not in need of a phone right now. If you wanted a smart phone but were unwilling or unable to afford the contracts or cost of the Apple/Samsung phones, this looks like something that makes their cost look unsustainable.
Make something that people want to buy. What looks like a very decent spec at a price that turned my head and I'm not in need of a phone right now. If you wanted a smart phone but were unwilling or unable to afford the contracts or cost of the Apple/Samsung phones, this looks like something that makes their cost look unsustainable.