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Can I have a sense check here:

Situation: All local music is on my old ancient PC which I have networked. Music is c1TB. I don't want to have my old PC on all the time. My plan is to buy this: 5 TB My Passport Ultra for Mac (Recertified) | Western Digital

I happy to take a risk with it being recertified and will have it plugged into my Mini PC permanently.

Is this the most cost effective solution? I don't want to pay out for a NAS Solution.
Can I have a sense check here:

Situation: All local music is on my old ancient PC which I have networked. Music is c1TB. I don't want to have my old PC on all the time. My plan is to buy this: 5 TB My Passport Ultra for Mac (Recertified) | Western Digital

I happy to take a risk with it being recertified and will have it plugged into my Mini PC permanently.

Is this the most cost effective solution? I don't want to pay out for a NAS Solution.

Seems a good price and it's likely to be new or almost new. You'll have to format it to work with Windows.
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I was worried one of the cats or me was going to get electrocuted with the open power supply for that Fosi amplifier on my desk, so until I come up with a more permanent solution (probably one aluminium case for both), I designed and printed a housing for it.



Thor was my cat who didn't come home, in case anyone wonders.
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Aaaaand almost as if by magic, my crapulous chromebook is literally dying. Would have asked my eldest to look out for summat like my old ex-corporate Dell but as he is one of those who likes nothing better than to fill an entire room with watercooled shite and fancy stuff. he is not proving v.helpful. Can't quite bring myself to spend my garden budget either (especially as the both the garden and the allotment are also a bit decrepit and in dire need of TLC. So am not really looking to replace mine just yet. I will not be tormenting myself ;looking at gardening websites and so on, so silver linings.
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Aaaaand almost as if by magic, my crapulous chromebook is literally dying. Would have asked my eldest to look out for summat like my old ex-corporate Dell but as he is one of those who likes nothing better than to fill an entire room with watercooled shite and fancy stuff. he is not proving v.helpful. Suspect I am not even going to have any online access v.soon - can only post in 30 minute blasts before mad flickering and blank screen ensues. If I get a chance, will be v.grateful if anyone has any idea where I can get something I can use for the most basic stuff_ moaning on forums, a bit of photo boasting and email. My only working phone is in an equally parlous state - getting boiling hot after 20 minutes so think all my limited techie life may be coming to a horrible end...just as I have attempted a money-spinning wheeze offering personal horticulture tuition, I really don't need to vanish from the internet just right now...sigh.

Very limited budget - can stretch to £250 but only if I have a flowerless autumn (cos I have to use my garden budget).So, obviously second/third hand (like pretty much everything I own - I am always the very final end user before the tip.

Let me have a look for you tonight. But I'm hearing value is key. :)
So here's a random question. I got myself some noise cancelling headphones to use at work so I can listen to music and use the same device for Teams calls. When it connects to Bluetooth it shows as two devices, a headset and headphones. The microphone works on both, but if I use headset, the sound quality is awful! What's that all about?
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Aaaaand almost as if by magic, my crapulous chromebook is literally dying. Would have asked my eldest to look out for summat like my old ex-corporate Dell but as he is one of those who likes nothing better than to fill an entire room with watercooled shite and fancy stuff. he is not proving v.helpful. Can't quite bring myself to spend my garden budget either (especially as the both the garden and the allotment are also a bit decrepit and in dire need of TLC. So am not really looking to replace mine just yet. I will not be tormenting myself ;looking at gardening websites and so on, so silver linings.

Hello. So I've been looking for a machine that runs Windows 11 as 10 stops being supported. There's ways to hack it onto older hardware, but it's probably best to have something the runs it properly. Ideally you'd have 16GB RAM, but 8GB machines are cheaper. As luck would have I've a few 8GB sticks in a draw and could send you one. Would you disintrested eldest be willing to help you put one in? It's a very simple job.



Thinkpad with a touchscreen

Dell Lattitude 7300

Cheap beaten up Dell

Hello. So I've been looking for a machine that runs Windows 11 as 10 stops being supported. There's ways to hack it onto older hardware, but it's probably best to have something the runs it properly. Ideally you'd have 16GB RAM, but 8GB machines are cheaper. As luck would have I've a few 8GB sticks in a draw and could send you one. Would you disintrested eldest be willing to help you put one in? It's a very simple job.



Thinkpad with a touchscreen

Dell Lattitude 7300

Cheap beaten up Dell

What would you go for, Sky? I think Grobag (eldest) will help (he often offers but can't quite grasp how truly dim I am...and worse when in a flap)
I counted up my (ahem) budget (£2 coins in a teapot) and have £248 (which is more than I thought)...but would ideally like to hang onto to the £48 (which actually buys 200 tulips and 250 anemones).
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