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The lonely football post thread

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Seeing as no 2024 CL thread was created at the beginning of the campaign, and that surprisingly this is one of the few subforums lacking a 'lonely post' thread, tonight seems as good a time as any to birth it.

Obviously highly biased a Real Madrid fan, but even if I weren't, I would have still been very pleased to see City dumped out the CL tonight. The thought of them doing two trebles in a row was too awful to contemplate, in particular as I fear those 115 charges won't even be allowed the chance to have their day in court.
And while I can't claim impartiality about Barcelona either, what a bunch of two-faced hypocritical cunts their management and local newspapers are. Open accusations of a rigorous but not unfair red card being prompted by a UEFA vendeta, complete with scrutiny of the referee's nationality and insinuations of national bias for good measure. This from the club that, whilst not yet proven and perhaps permanently so, has undoubtedly bribed referees to influence matches for years in the Spanish league. Xavi really is a right cunt.
Seeing as no 2024 CL thread was created at the beginning of the campaign, and that surprisingly this is one of the few subforums lacking a 'lonely post' thread, tonight seems as good a time as any to birth it.

Obviously highly biased a Real Madrid fan, but even if I weren't, I would have still been very pleased to see City dumped out the CL tonight. The thought of them doing two trebles in a row was too awful to contemplate, in particular as I fear those 115 charges won't even be allowed the chance to have their day in court.
The flipside is that Real Madrid are one of only a small handful of clubs as awful as Man City. Their financial doping has been in plain sight all along.

I'd like to see Dortmund win it again.
The flipside is that Real Madrid are one of only a small handful of clubs as awful as Man City. Their financial doping has been in plain sight all along.

I'd like to see Dortmund win it again.
Fair enough. Even as a fan I'm perfectly happy to agree there have been some very dodgy financial going-ons over the years, and I can understand most neutrals not wishing RM ultimate success. Still, there is such thing as the lesser of two evils since one team is going to progress anyway, and even if City's 115 financial breaches all turned out to be untrue (LOL), their level of financing dwarves any seen by any legacy club in the world not owned by nation states. Even RM at Florentino's worst in the early 2000s.

It's also very satisfying to see the smugness wiped off Guardiola's face once in a while.
Modern football is so messed up I found myself cheering on the team of Franco. Delighted there can be no double treble.

Hope Dortmund win it.

E2A: Also hope Sancho scores a hat trick in the final.
Modern football is so messed up I found myself cheering on the team of Franco. Delighted there can be no double treble.

Hope Dortmund win it.

E2A: Also hope Sancho scores a hat trick in the final.
Ah, although I know some of such Franco comments, perhaps including your own, are made tongue in cheek I can’t let that pass without comment.

Criticise RM all you want for being one of the mega-rich European powerhouses that have used their unfair financial advantage to dominate over ordinary clubs, and have employed decisively dodgy schemes at times to cement their financial prowess.

But the ‘Franco’s team’ shouts often heard in this country are not just wide of the mark but fully unjustified bullshit. RM is no more a fascist club for Franco being a fan than Arsenal is a religious fundamentalist terrorist club because Osama bin Laden was a fan.

There might have been instances of internal interference on player signings by Franco during his dictatorship, but that’s not the club’s fault, and RM retained as much of a non-fascist fan base as any other club in Spain. Hell, it doesn’t even have the largest percentage of far-fight support or far-right incidents. The working class, left class-friendly Atlético has for many years had a larger racist and fascist problem than the Blancos, though that doesn’t get talked about in here as it doesn’t fit the narrative. Hell, even anti-Franco, Republican poster child club Barcelona have always been affected similar numbers of stadium-going far right elements.

So in short, bash RM all you want as a corrupt, far-too-powerful megaclub helping to destroy football as we know it. But anyone seriously suggesting the club is to be disliked because they are were alleged to be ‘Franco’s team’ seventy fucking years ago are as gullible as they are clueless on the issue.
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