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The Irish potato famine was caused by social anarchists wanting to raise hell against the British elites


New Member
Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.
So often it seems, when looking at these forums, my hand seems to develop a powerful magnetic attraction to my face. It really is a shame. Its usually the politics threads - I hope so anyway - and not other parts of the forums aswell.
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Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

Hate to break it to you, but your grandpa was full of shit.
Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.
Famously God sent the blight but the English made the famine
Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.

No. But thank you for the stimulus to spend some time reading about it, as I hadn’t known the details before.

First thing I learnt was that it wasn’t a fungus, but a type of non photosynthetic brown algae, which I thought interesting.

It came from Mexico, via the usa, in the 1840s, and very rapidly spread across north-west Europe. Precisely how it got here is unclear, but pretty certainly via shipments of infected potatoes, possibly brought as food for passengers on transatlantic ships, many of which docked in Ireland (as nearest landing point).

The reasons it was devastating in Ireland, and not in all the other European countries it arrived in at the same time, were economic/structural, and very much, as Pickman’s alludes above, the fault of the English.

So there you go.
No. But thank you for the stimulus to spend some time reading about it, as I hadn’t known the details before.

First thing I learnt was that it wasn’t a fungus, but a type of non photosynthetic brown algae, which I thought interesting.

It came from Mexico, via the usa, in the 1840s, and very rapidly spread across north-west Europe. Precisely how it got here is unclear, but pretty certainly via shipments of infected potatoes, possibly brought as food for passengers on transatlantic ships, many of which docked in Ireland (as nearest landing point).

The reasons it was devastating in Ireland, and not in all the other European countries it arrived in at the same time, were economic/structural, and very much, as Pickman’s alludes above, the fault of the English.

So there you go.
This is why I like these troll threads, you actually learn something interesting from the replies, not from the troll of course.
I always thought it was caused by one bad spud thrown by junkie Rumanian gypsies with a lisp. At least that's the version a man in a pub in Cork told my great great grandfather back in the day.

I used a Ouija board to contact my Irish great-great-grandfather about the issue, he insisted that Chinese Jews in hot-air balloons were throwing diseased potatoes all over the place in those days as revenge for the British taking Hong Kong.

Wish I hadn't bothered, tbh.
The thing that really enrages me about the Famine is the fact that the British Empire turned away ships heading towards Ireland bringing aid. Apparently it was because of some utterly demented "market above all" cult mentality? In any case, it's one of those instances that shows how sheer blindness to one's own evil can manifest.

Fuck the Empire. I'm glad it's gone. But unfortunately the ghost of that free-market fundamentalism is still haunting us.
Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.
Are you one of those Sheeple that actually believes Ireland is real?
Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.

Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.
Hear that sound? That's everyone laughing at your utter fuckwittery.
I always thought it was caused by one bad spud thrown by junkie Rumanian gypsies with a lisp. At least that's the version a man in a pub in Cork told my great great grandfather back in the day.

Don't be silly. How could several junkie Romanian gypsies throw one potato? Even if they all had a lisp.
Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.
The famine was caused by greed

the upper class stole from the lower class

and they have convinced them to this day that its legal
Wasn't the real reason behind the spread of the fungal virus destroying potato crops in Ireland to do with a boat sailed by a couple of drunk Russian Jews who were loyal to the social anarchist movement and all it took to start the great hunger was one bad spud thrown into the potato crops of county Donegal North West Ireland. That's what my Irish Grandfather told me 30 years ago.

My grandpa told me he never knew his grandparents because of the potato famine. There's more to it than that but my grandpa held the anarchists as chiefly responsible for starting the great potato famine.
Fuck you and your grandpa
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