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The family court


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Is anyone investigating the unfit for purpose service that is the family court?

The secrecy of this service is not to protect children but to protect the courts bias and poor decision making from the public.

How can I expose the family court?
Is anyone investigating the unfit for purpose service that is the family court?

The secrecy of this service is not to protect children but to protect the courts bias and poor decision making from the public.

How can I expose the family court?
try the local / national media ?
Question: if something someone says can never be made public, can it count as defamation?

(I realise this is the subject of your other thread, however. Perhaps you want to keep the issues of defamation and Nazis separate to maintain clarity?)
A solicitor told me that I should never make a complaint against a family court judge as if I have the judge replaced, all other judges in the circuit will be against me.

If the family court becomes subject to regular scrutiny and reports in the media then it'll be one if the worst ever scandals this country has ever seen.
Is anyone investigating the unfit for purpose service that is the family court?

The secrecy of this service is not to protect children but to protect the courts bias and poor decision making from the public.

How can I expose the family court?
It's your lucky day:

Q: Is anyone investigating the unfit for purpose service that is the family court?

Yes, I, and at least a score of the other posters on this site are running separate but parallel investigations into the Family court. Half the Sunday Times Insight team are on here whilst at least eight members of the Law Society internal affairs team are regulars. And the two non canine surviving members of the Famous Five post frequently.

Q: The secrecy of this service is not to protect children but to protect the courts bias and poor decision making from the public.

Not actually a question but I think you will find they are a service with secrets and not a secret service.

Q:How can I expose the family court?

I'd dress as a minor superhero (Dyno Boy perhaps or Whale Girl?) and glue yourself to the front doors of your local Halfords. That'll stick it to the man.
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It's your lucky day:

Q: Is anyone investigating the unfit for purpose service that is the family court?

Yes, I, and at least a score of the other posters on this site are running separate but parallel investigations into the Family court. Half the Sunday Times Insight team are on here whilst at least eight members of the Law Society internal affairs team are regulars. And the two non canine surviving members of the Famous Five post frequently.

Q: The secrecy of this service is not to protect children but to protect the courts bias and poor decision making from the public.

Not actually a question but I think you will find they are a service with secrets and not a secret service.

Q:How can I expose the family court?

I'd dress as a minor superhero (Dyno Boy perhaps or Whale Girl?) and glue yourself to the front doors of your local Halfords. That'll stick it to the man.
Not very ambitious. You want to make a decent splash. Dress as a major superhero, at Buckingham Palace. Next month when they’re all on the balcony.
A superhero who’s super power is they don’t sweat perhaps?
Great idea. But it’ll take quite a haul of antique shops to get the requisite number of medals to pull it off. And then you’d have no money left to hire the helicopter.
A solicitor told me that I should never make a complaint against a family court judge as if I have the judge replaced, all other judges in the circuit will be against me.

If the family court becomes subject to regular scrutiny and reports in the media then it'll be one if the worst ever scandals this country has ever seen.
The appeals process is different from making a complaint against a judge. So you could do both! Exciting!
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