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tell me of Tottenham

rutabowa has a kid. My friend lives in Tottenham with kids, she's not afraid.
yeah... i think it's a bit different having a 2 year old than having a kid at secondary age. who knows we might love it and decide to stay! but if not then it won't have any bad effect on the kid as they will only have been at nursery/preschool, and all kids are nice enough at that age.
Tottenham is pretty big too i have learnt... where we are going to be is a few km from turnpike lane, and a few km from seven sisters too. big range of areas in that area.
Tottenham is pretty big too i have learnt... where we are going to be is a few km from turnpike lane, and a few km from seven sisters too. big range of areas in that area.

yeah, it's quite a sprawl of all manner of areas.
i looked at the new postcode in one of those crime map things where puts a dot wherever a crime has been done in the last year and it looked pretty bad... but then i put in the postcode where we have lived happily for the last 5 years and it was like 3 times worse.
yeah... i think it's a bit different having a 2 year old than having a kid at secondary age. who knows we might love it and decide to stay! but if not then it won't have any bad effect on the kid as they will only have been at nursery/preschool, and all kids are nice enough at that age.

Yeah, but I know that your child is under 4. Who can say where anyone will be in 8 years!
yes that's what i think... worth giving it a try. done now anyway! there is a well reviewed nursery jst nearby so that's a start.
Latymer Edmonton would probably be an option for secondary schools... Selective though.
you are not wrong about schools... just according to the ofsted reports anyway.

There are many things going for tottenham it's ridiculously cheap for next to zone 3. Transport links are fucking brilliant, loads of buses, 1/2hr door to door to central london/liverpool street. Lovely parks.

I've been back in Dublin a few years now, but I can remember switching on the news during the riots, and most of that kicked off around the corner from my old house.
you are not wrong about schools... just according to the ofsted reports anyway.

My friend is fine with the primaries but agrees about the secondaries. She lives near Phillip Lane near Down somethingorother park. She loves it there, has made lots of mum friends since having her child, loves the local nursery, is a governor at one of the primaries but didn't realise that she lived in south Tottenham, she didn't know the difference. Anyway she told me today that they are moving to Wales. They don't want to but they can no longer afford to live in London, she's a stay at home mum and her husband is an ambulance medic; they are struggling too hard to get by.
maybe tottenham is the last place people end up before they drop out of london altogether.

I don't think so. She was saying she's the first of her 'mum friends', the women she met after having a baby, to leave. Whereas in Brixton where I live loads of the mums I met when I was on maternity leave have gone.
Ok we are in now. It is very quiet round here, like being in a village. i will explore more at the weekend. i travelled back home as the tottenham game was kicking out on sunday and it was a bit less lawless than i expected.
Which bit did you move to in the end? Quite a few Urbanites live here including me. I've been here 7 years now, longest I've lived anywhere in London and the first place I feel I've really put down roots and have a large circle of local friends.
Northumberland Park. i did really settle in hackney so it is a bit tricky losing that! But it will be fun building it up again. i already spoke to a guy in the shop.
Northumberland Park. i did really settle in hackney so it is a bit tricky losing that! But it will be fun building it up again. i already spoke to a guy in the shop.

Sameish area as me then, I'm on the Marsh across the main road. If you want a night out then you need to sort it out so the rest of us locals can meet you.
There's a pub my mate really likes but I can't remember if it's the Elbow room or the Ship as they're so close together - I've only been in there a couple of times. Seemed very friendly, anyway. giver them both a go..
There's a pub my mate really likes but I can't remember if it's the Elbow room or the Ship as they're so close together - I've only been in there a couple of times. Seemed very friendly, anyway. giver them both a go..

oh right yes they are close to me as well, i'll give them a go.
oh right yes they are close to me as well, i'll give them a go.

Ah the elbow room, two blokes used to take their mobility scooters down there and park either side of the entrance, and would occasionally waddle out and sit on their scooters have a fag and finish their pints.

Models for healthy living they were.
There's a pub my mate really likes but I can't remember if it's the Elbow room or the Ship as they're so close together - I've only been in there a couple of times. Seemed very friendly, anyway. giver them both a go..

i have now been to the Elbow Room. totally awesome, it is just like eastenders, i noticed in pubs in tottenham peopel just start talking to yuo and before you know it you are being introduced to the landlord and stuff
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