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Tell me about tethering .... (Moto G4 / giffgaff)

When I tether, it's the connection between my phone (Moto G4 too) and my computer that slows the connection down. It's usable but not great, and poor enough to discourage me from thinking about ditching the phone line.
When I tether, it's the connection between my phone (Moto G4 too) and my computer that slows the connection down. It's usable but not great, and poor enough to discourage me from thinking about ditching the phone line.
You mean the phone is the limiting factor ?
I wonder what the network spec is ...

Ooh look my shitty 10 metre long ethernet cable is slower than WIFI through a USB2 hub :D


For completeness, my phone on WIFI

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I sat on a bench in the park earlier instead of my wall and was down to one bar on 4G ..
Sitting on the wall I can see the library WIFI and WIFI from lots of houses - all quite a distance away - maybe half a mile ...
No wonder the EMF loons are in such a tizzy.
5G should be fun.

I still wonder if 5G holes are also a 4G weakspots ...
Two new planned towers I think ...

So after 7 days I've used a grand total of 0.65GB during my park activities - posting here and elsewhere while streaming French radio... which would have cost me £65 PAYG but is only 1/20 of my £10 Giffgaff goodie bag so I need to up my game.
I did a few live Facebook videos today...
After nearly a month I only managed to use 3.95GB of my 15GB giffgaff "goody bag" - but there's no advantage in going smaller ... it's only £2 less for 4GB
Looks like I can buy the next one with the credit I never use.
I'm going to have to tether the hell out of it from now on ...

Sadly the 4G connection in the park where I use it is really poor....

I wish I could find decent French conversation - or just conversation - I would treat myself to a microphone to go with my headphones ...
I think I understand now why some people are always on the phone...
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