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Tate Modern – Street or Studio

Vintage Paw

dead stare and computer glare

They're doing it again, asking for submissions to be included in their photobook for the 'Street or Studio' portrait exhibition that is running from 22nd May til 31st August.

If you want to submit up to 2 photos, you can join the flickr group and upload them (they ask for you to map where they were taken first), by the 27th July. 100 people will be picked to be in the book.

From the group:

Street & Studio: A History of Urban Photography at (Tate Modern 22 May – 31 August 2008) presents a history of photographic portraiture: taken on the street or in the photographer’s studio.
It contrasts carefully orchestrated studio shots with images captured in the changing and uncontrollable street, highlighting the crossovers between the genres and their influence on each other.

To submit a photograph to the exhibition, simply join this group and contribute your photograph anytime until 27 July 2008.

You can add up to 2 photos to the group.
How do I submit my photograph?

Submissions to the group are moderated, so it may take up to a day for your photograph to appear in the group.

• Your photograph must be an urban portrait, so it must contain at least one figure.
• It can be a posed 'studio' portrait or a snatched 'street' snapshot (or of course a posed shot on the street, or a studio shot made to look spontaneous etc - you get the idea).

We encourage you to also mark the location that your photograph was taken using Flickr’s 'Place this photo on a map' feature.

This group's photographs will be displayed on a screen at Tate Modern. The photographs will also be on the exhibition website on Tate Online.

In the final weeks of the exhibition, 100 photographs will be chosen to form a book – Street or Studio.
A panel of curators, artists, photographers and others will select the 100 photographs. These 100 photographs will then be a slideshow on the screen in the gallery, and also be archived on Tate Online as part of the exhibition's website. The book will be produced by Blurb, and if your photograph is selected for inclusion, you will receive a copy of the book. Once it is produced, further copies of the book will be available through the Blurb bookstore.

I like things like this. Some people say it's laziness, getting content from a bunch of onliners etc. But it's supplemental to the rest of the exhibition, and I think it's important to recognise the changes in photography and how it is practised these days. Love it or loathe it, you can't ignore the immense presence flickr (and others of its ilk) have, and the consequenses for the way people photograph and who looks at photography. Including a band of amateurs who take their photography more seriously than the average home user snapping family pics, but who don't have the same status (and often skill and talent) as professional artists puts the phenomenon on record – which is essential to map how photography develops over time.

Blah blah blah. Anyway, let us see your photos if you submit any :)
Excellent stuff. That top photo is constantly coming up at the top of my "Comments you've made" list as others add to it. You've got a winner there :)

You're is up there at the moment – looks like they rotate them all in some sequence. I've only just submitted (http://flickr.com/photos/buca/2531593088/) so am waiting for them to moderate. But yes, I'll be taking a screen shot lol :p
Thanks, but I don't think the judges are too keen on humour. Remember how for the last one there were loads of caravan pictures in the winning selection? Now, if you took a portrait of someone outside a caravan, that would be a surefire winner!

At least there's a book for this one. For the last one, I think the winners just got to be the chosen few in the final slideshow on the big screens in The Tate. I think a lot of people were expecting them to be nicely mounted in the gallery, especially given all the interest the competition generated. (Disclaimer: I could be wrong)
The book is to be published by Blurb, which, as far as I know, are a self-publishing on demand type service. Each of the 100 gets a copy, but then the book is only available through blurb's website. And it will probably be quite expensive for what it is (most of these pod things are). So, not exactly the inclusion people might have wanted, but seeing it say "you'll be in a book" will be enough for some people. I would have expected it to have been available in the Tate's shop at the very least.
The book is to be published by Blurb, which, as far as I know, are a self-publishing on demand type service. Each of the 100 gets a copy, but then the book is only available through blurb's website. And it will probably be quite expensive for what it is (most of these pod things are). So, not exactly the inclusion people might have wanted, but seeing it say "you'll be in a book" will be enough for some people. I would have expected it to have been available in the Tate's shop at the very least.

Fair point. Something to put on your CV I guess, but not all that it could be...

I know that there was a big online competition to get your photos in Arles last year. It generated a huge amount of interest via the website, but I got the impression that the winners were a little disappointed with how their photos were displayed.
Fair point. Something to put on your CV I guess, but not all that it could be...

I know that there was a big online competition to get your photos in Arles last year. It generated a huge amount of interest via the website, but I got the impression that the winners were a little disappointed with how their photos were displayed.

I did that. I've got a screenshot of my photo displayed on the wall for that too :D Yep, it's a nice idea, and in the big scheme of things it's an interesting project etc, but I can fully understand why some might feel a little short changed.

However, when asking for a whole lot of public submissions, you have be realistic that it's not the path to fame and fortune. It's about being a part of something that will be remembered. You might not be remembered, but the project will.

... Actually, I've just looked and I don't think it's the same project you're talking about. It was this one: http://www.allphotographersnow.ch/ and my screenshot http://www.flickr.com/photos/buca/411290258/ :p
Yeah, Maciej is on a winning run lately.

One thing that did strike me as odd, there are 109 pages of pictures, therefore you would expect about one selected winner per page.

On the oldest 15 pages, Pages 95-109 = there is not one winner selected as far as I can see.

In contrast on the newest 15 pages there are about 23 winners.

What are the chances of that (Alef)?

I reckon the judges didn't even bother to look at the whole pool (well I would say that, my pictures were really early entries).

Yeah, Maciej is on a winning run lately.


It's good to see repeated names getting the vote on these sorts of events. Some street photographers are actually beginning to make a name for themselves and get recognition beyond the web.

The 'cream always floats to the top' so they say. Shame so much of it still gets ignored before the milk has settled.
My mate Vicky is the second one down. That's pretty cool. Some are a bit odd, but I like most of them.
Oh, I follow her stuff on Flickr.

It's not all my sort of thing but I can see she's really good.

:) I like a lot of her mf portraiture done on her Hassy. And a lot of her toy cam stuff.

(of course, when I say 'mate' I mean online mate, we've never actually met :p)
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