on reddit or something
Reet... Markyd - the wonky horizon's the first obvious thing. After that, I'd say it's too gloomy, even given the subject, and I'm looking at it on a calibrated monitor. It's not so much just plain dark as a lack of contrast. I'd probably up brightness & contrast by around 10 & 20 respectively. Composition's quite nice; maybe would have played with moving it up and down to meet the rule of thirds, see if that would work in this case. The main thing's the date, as you know. Turn it off
Tangerinedream - the second one - for me, it needs a bit more balance at the bottom - it ends kinda short. If it's cropped then sod the aspect ratio, and if not, then zoom out a bit. Other than that, nice balance of colour, good warm tones, good shutter speed choice, and I think fairly sharp - if a bit overdone on that front.
Tangerinedream - the first one - bit weird. It's cluttered, but it works. The composition is spot on, even though I don't quite know what's going on. It's a bit nightmarish and also reminds me of some illustration styles I've seen. I would say again it's oversharpened - needs a bit, but this is too far. I'd also like the blues at the bottom to be deeper so I'd play with saturation, possibly only for certain channels, and see where that got me.
Tangerinedream - the second one - for me, it needs a bit more balance at the bottom - it ends kinda short. If it's cropped then sod the aspect ratio, and if not, then zoom out a bit. Other than that, nice balance of colour, good warm tones, good shutter speed choice, and I think fairly sharp - if a bit overdone on that front.
Tangerinedream - the first one - bit weird. It's cluttered, but it works. The composition is spot on, even though I don't quite know what's going on. It's a bit nightmarish and also reminds me of some illustration styles I've seen. I would say again it's oversharpened - needs a bit, but this is too far. I'd also like the blues at the bottom to be deeper so I'd play with saturation, possibly only for certain channels, and see where that got me.