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Sub £100 22" monitor recommendations please


Hello, apologies if there is a thread for this. I couldn't see one.

As the title says.

It's not for anything special like gaming etc. Gf wants a second screen for Macbook (thunderbolt or HDMI connection) so she can see her reading list/references while writing essays.

Obviously better quality would be preferable but understand for under £100...

Ta :)
Can get the 22" version for £80 which would be a better size for her desk
Jumping on this thread because I'm looking for a 24" monitor for my macbook air.

Question - is it worth getting something with USB-C to cut down on all the cable spaghetti? I'm thinking to get something like this which seems to support displayport and has integrated speakers/webcam (which I know will be basic but I just need functional tbh). Is this any good anyone?

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