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hmmm, I know what you mean.

By the way, for anyone who missed either of them, the first two episodes are up on the ITV player now. No idea what the delay was.
Very depressing, all in all. Holiday camp, my arse! I hope middle England and assorted other cunts have been watching this series.
Lebensunwertes leben?


Though he is the only person i can think of this applies to. Even Piers Morgan has a family who would miss him.

If you feel bad for the boy, you could always let him stop in your spare room. I'm sure he'd be fine once you got past the pooing in your bed, smashing up the room and then throwing the telly when you did not immediately clean it up, insisting on being carried/wheeled everywhere and constantly calling you a twat.

Whilst Strangeways is fucking grim, the miami prison Loius Theroux was in does make it look like a, ahem, holiday camp.

I would sooner do a year in Strangeways than a month in miami
Miami wasn't even prison, it was a pre-trial remand centre! Fuck spending 3 years in a cage with 23 others like that before being found guilty. Weird how the hardest get bottom bunk though, i'd want top but wouldn't want to be 'punked like that'.
I couldn't understand how the little latino lad was not battered senseless.

The other white fella was having his head constantly kicked in. Maybe its cos he was a bit of a hard nut, so posed more of a challenge, and the little fellas injuries are where they can't be visibly seen, if you know what i mean.

That place did look like the closest to Hell on earth - caged with 23 other murderous, psychotic, vicious, wanking gangstas. Would anyone on U75 be able to survive in there?
He is clearly mentally ill - maybe needs treating in a mental hospital or something. I think part of it is the system allows him to be like that - he was shocked and annoyed that no one came and cleaned his cell the same night he smashed it up.

If the just stuck him in the segregation cell, gave him his 3 meals and the opportunity to shower once a day he would probably be better behaved than when he gets constant attention, which is what he craves.

Either that or invent a massive hoover that just sucks him up, never to be heard off again. The Human Hoover - an easy way to be rid off those who are literally a waste of skin and chemicals

I think in the first episode it said that when Charlton was out of prison and had been given housing, he still lived like that. He likes or prefers being in prison. He got sent back for telling the judge to fuck off. Poor judge eh
Just been watching these as people at work were talking about DC. A workmate used to work in Salford and said the police there would pick him up then drop him in Manchester so they didn't have to deal with him.

WTF should society do with someone like him?
Yes, last night's programme focusing on the Healthcare wing was very grim indeed. I was surprised the psychiatrist was saying that David Charlton and the French remand prisoner weren't actually mentally ill. Makes you wonder how they define mental illness

Haven't seen this, and you can't really make judgements of people even having seen the programme, but people with antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy tend to get worse in treatment and institutions even if for forensic reasons they need to be there. It's something that hopefully in the future we may have more humane solutions for. Best bet is that they decide that their behaviour isn't getting them what they want and change it accordingly - and if what you want is prison with oodles of attention that's not a likely thing. Humanity is wired in many different ways, and many people behave very bizarrely and irrationally without being "Ill".
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