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Stephen Gerrard has left Rangers.

I thought Villa had invested potentially well with the money from Grealish but the whole team has been underperforming this season . Perhaps a change of coaching style might do the team good .
Mixed feelings about Gerards appointment. OK he won the Scots League and they had a decent Europa run but I’m not sure that’s the correct cv for an external managerial appointment. We’ll just have to wait and see . In my opinion Villa should be a top ten team with the odd good cup run.
Stephen Gerrard has gone from Rangers to manage Aston Villa.
Likely chances of ever managing Liverpool gone too, maybe? Villa sold their best player and they've spent the winnings. Getting a tune out the replacement players that Dean Smith couldn't is a different kettle of fish to winning a two-horse race at a lower standard with a massively bigger budget to work with than all your competitors.

If it goes well, they'll manage mid table, maybe top 8/9 for a season or two - unless Liverpool have a spectacular fall over the same period, that's not going to make him a suitable successor for Klopp, is it?
This should be funny.
I think if he somehow has an absolute stomer at Villa, gets the Liverpool job and then has a decade of almost winning the title, before being within touching distance in a Premiership winning game, but making a howler of a substitution in the last 5 minutes that cost them the title, there's potential.*

*In the film version, he's secretly registered himself as a player and comes on for the last 5 to lay the Slippy G thing to bed, but makes, wouldya believe it, the exact same mistake
I find this thing where people think that a really good player will make a really good manager very odd. They're completely different jobs. I mean I guess you've seen other people do it your whole career, so that's an advantage but... Lampard, Solskjaer... Vieira seems to be doing OK but he got that job cos he's Vieira, not cos of his achievements as a manager. It's like you played in a couple of big games and suddenly you can manage a team in the Premier league?

It's weird.
I find this thing where people think that a really good player will make a really good manager very odd. They're completely different jobs. I mean I guess you've seen other people do it your whole career, so that's an advantage but... Lampard, Solskjaer... Vieira seems to be doing OK but he got that job cos he's Vieira, not cos of his achievements as a manager. It's like you played in a couple of big games and suddenly you can manage a team in the Premier league?

It's weird.

I've always thought the same. Mediocre players make the best managers IMO.

Mind you, I always thought Gerrard was a one trick pony anyway.
I find this thing where people think that a really good player will make a really good manager very odd. They're completely different jobs. I mean I guess you've seen other people do it your whole career, so that's an advantage but... Lampard, Solskjaer... Vieira seems to be doing OK but he got that job cos he's Vieira, not cos of his achievements as a manager. It's like you played in a couple of big games and suddenly you can manage a team in the Premier league?

It's weird.
I get Viera. If you were going to pick a former player to be manager, an inspirational leader of men, whose leading was a major factor in his team's many successes, makes sense. And to a lesser extent, you might the say the same about Gerrard - he dragged lesser players to winning at the times, though I think he's going to do well to set the world alight at Villa. But the baby-faced assassin? Come on
I find this thing where people think that a really good player will make a really good manager very odd. They're completely different jobs. I mean I guess you've seen other people do it your whole career, so that's an advantage but... Lampard, Solskjaer... Vieira seems to be doing OK but he got that job cos he's Vieira, not cos of his achievements as a manager. It's like you played in a couple of big games and suddenly you can manage a team in the Premier league?

It's weird.

It is, especially as football history says many of the most successful managers - Bill Shankly, Arsène Wenger, Jock Stein, Brian Clough etc. - had unremarkable playing careers or promising ones cut short.
SevCo are racking up debts and tax bills at the moment. I daresay Stevie G saw the way the wind was blowing with that mob and fucked off as soon as the chance presented itself, lest they drag him down with their sinking, pox ridden ship.
I wonder how much Villa are paying him? They paid Rangers £2.5m to release him.

Apparently there has been speculation, but I don't follow football gossip, so it came as a bit of a surprise to me a least. :)

I wonder why? Mr Smiles makes a good point re going from one of the 'Big Two' to an 'also ran' English Premier club.

Oh well, time, as always, will tell if it was a good decision on Mr Gerrard's part.
I wonder how much Villa are paying him? They paid Rangers £2.5m to release him.

Apparently there has been speculation, but I don't follow football gossip, so it came as a bit of a surprise to me a least. :)

I wonder why? Mr Smiles makes a good point re going from one of the 'Big Two' to an 'also ran' English Premier club.

Oh well, time, as always, will tell if it was a good decision on Mr Gerrard's part.
Mr Smiles should know a lot about ‘also -rans’ in the EPL
Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard are part of the next generation of managers who go on the merry-go-round for far longer than they should do because of their playing careers.

I think the ride has finally stopped for their senior peers (Mark Hughes, Bruce etc, etc).
Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard are part of the next generation of managers who go on the merry-go-round for far longer than they should do because of their playing careers.

I think the ride has finally stopped for their senior peers (Mark Hughes, Bruce etc, etc).

i might combust with laughter if SevCo appoint Steve Bruce or someone similar now.
I get Viera. If you were going to pick a former player to be manager, an inspirational leader of men, whose leading was a major factor in his team's many successes, makes sense. And to a lesser extent, you might the say the same about Gerrard - he dragged lesser players to winning at the times, though I think he's going to do well to set the world alight at Villa. But the baby-faced assassin? Come on

I feared the same about Tony Adams and Sol Campbell, that they would continue to torment me with their success, no doubt finding that extra gear every time against Spurs...

...But, no. They were absolutely reassuringly fucking awful :thumbs:
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