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Squat rave themed nightclub

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Bustin' out
According to the latest Time Out "an old Eton chum of Prince Harry is about to open a squat themed night club in a disused masonic lodge in Battersea".

The thought that some Eton toff is going to capitalise on the free party /squat culture and scene makes me so angry. :mad:

I hope it sinks along with a hefty wedge of his investment.

Also - can you imagine how bad this is going to be? :facepalm:
According to the latest Time Out "an old Eton chum of Prince Harry is about to open a squat themed night club in a disused masonic lodge in Battersea".

The thought that some Eton toff is going to capitalise on the free party /squat culture and scene makes me so angry. :mad:

I hope it sinks along with a hefty wedge of his investment.

Also - can you imagine how bad this is going to be? :facepalm:

I wonder if it will have a tv lounge upstairs?

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