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Spain's $1bn new submarine - a series of catastrophic cock ups


Oh dear:


Spain's S-80 submarines were planned to enter service in 2015 but "weight imbalance problems" delayed them for 7 years. Someone put a decimal point in the wrong place. Cost overruns to fix that: €2 billions. One of the most expensive math errors ever: buff.ly/2JDQ4aj

An attempt to deploy a new submarine for Spain's navy has run aground again, after it emerged it cannot fit in its dock, Spanish media report.

The S-80 boat was redesigned at great expense after an earlier mistake meant it had problems floating, and it was lengthened to correct the issue.
Spanish newspaper El País now reports that after the changes, the docks at Cartagena can no longer fit the vessel.
The cost for each has almost doubled, the newspaper said.

It estimated that the cost of each S-80 "Plus" submarine would now be close to €1bn (£900m).
The original problem with the submarine dates back to 2013, when it was discovered that it was about 100 tons heavier than it needed to be.
That caused a problem for its buoyancy - so it could submerge, but might not come back up again.

A former Spanish official told the Associated Press at the time that someone had put a decimal point in the wrong place, and "nobody paid attention to review the calculations".
That mistake cost a reported €14m while engineers and consultants figured out that buoyancy could be improved by lengthening the boat.
Not quite on this scale, but I remember back when I worked for a big record label, a massive logistical headache being caused by trying to integrate some warehousing systems based in the UK and Germany, and nobody could work it out for weeks until someone realised that Europeans delineate their 'thousands' with full stops and not commas as is usual in the UK.
Not quite on this scale, but I remember back when I worked for a big record label, a massive logistical headache being caused by trying to integrate some warehousing systems based in the UK and Germany, and nobody could work it out for weeks until someone realised that Europeans delineate their 'thousands' with full stops and not commas as is usual in the UK.
Yes i have had that same issue with spreadsheets sent to and from italy at work. It's very annoying and confusing. They use commas for decimal places as well.
they should take it to Ingalls in Newport News. plenty of HUGE drydocks there

here are the names of the submarines:

The Australians wanted an ocean going sub that wasn't nuclear they had the option of buying Japanese who don't use nukes or buying a french nuclear sub that would be converted to non-nuclear propulsion a really bad idea that eventually fell through as the price kept going up with nothing to show for it.
so they are basically buying American with some British kit.
Australia wanted long-range subs and these days that means nuclear powered

UK military kit disasters
SA80 the rifle that was shit
Nimrod awacs
MK 10 chinook of course we can write are own software for them ( we couldn't)
Military Springer ATV For Sale (All Terrain Vehicle) this was shit
vector given to Ukraine
Saxon really really shit
and the woeful Euro humvee panther
The Australians wanted an ocean going sub that wasn't nuclear they had the option of buying Japanese who don't use nukes or buying a french nuclear sub that would be converted to non-nuclear propulsion a really bad idea that eventually fell through as the price kept going up with nothing to show for it.
so they are basically buying American with some British kit.
Australia wanted long-range subs and these days that means nuclear powered

UK military kit disasters
SA80 the rifle that was shit
Nimrod awacs
MK 10 chinook of course we can write are own software for them ( we couldn't)
Military Springer ATV For Sale (All Terrain Vehicle) this was shit
vector given to Ukraine
Saxon really really shit
and the woeful Euro humvee panther

.280 British and the EM-2 as well
.280 and the em2 would have been great it was Churchill toading up to America and the pentagon being fuckwits thinking every soldier needed a 100yd rifle when the m1 carbine was the most popular small arm in ww2.
they then binned the FN for the woeful M14 and then screwed everyone over a decade later by picking up the m16 .223 anyways :facepalm:
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