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Southwyck House Community Installation



I am working on a project that is looking at ways that an allocated sparking space (or 2) could be used in a way other than for parking in order to benefit the community as a whole.

I am interested in a location outside of Southwyck House near the green. The installation would be in the spot where 2 cars normally sit and so I am interested in any feedback as to how you feel this space could be best used and what features you feel could be added to best serve the locals.




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Hi Vanny.

That area is where a lot of people using the soup kitchen opposite often gather. There's also a big utilities box that has appeared there quite recently, so you're presumably going to have to keep an access space.

What plans or ideas do you have in mind, and is this project funded (and if so, by whom)?
Benches and bins and planters would benefit the community. It's odd to be so vague. Also, parking spaces are in short supply so reducing them for an 'installation' that you can't describe is likely to be a non starter. Urban doesn't count as community consultation, by the way.
Hi Vanny.

That area is where a lot of people using the soup kitchen opposite often gather. There's also a big utilities box that has appeared there quite recently, so you're presumably going to have to keep an access space.

What plans or ideas do you have in mind, and is this project funded (and if so, by whom)?
Thankyou for your feeback.

This is a University project and so the project is non funded as it would be a proposal as to how a kerbside space could be used within the Lambeth area. Are there any features that you feel that location could best benefit from?

Benches and bins and planters would benefit the community. It's odd to be so vague. Also, parking spaces are in short supply so reducing them for an 'installation' that you can't describe is likely to be a non starter. Urban doesn't count as community consultation, by the way.

Thankyou for your feedback. I have interviewed some residents and thought it woud be a good idea to get some additional feedback. Also I shall bear in mind your feedback regarding the lack of parking space.


You might want to check out Lambeths recently published Kerbside Strategy. They are planning to repurpose IIRC 20% of car parking spaces for community use eventually.

Thankyou for your feedback and yes I am aware of that strategy. If local to the area, do you have any suggestions regarding beneficial features for a kerbside space?


Thankyou for your feeback.

This is a University project and so the project is non funded as it would be a proposal as to how a kerbside space could be used within the Lambeth area. Are there any features that you feel that location could best benefit from?

Please see point one on the faq. The admonition about researchers use of the boards as a free resource is there for your protection. Does your university have guidance about research within online communities?
I attended a meeting at which the local TRA tried to explore with the Kerbisde strategy team an opportunity to deal with resident identified issues on a small group of streets through considered application of the Kerbside strategy. The local residents had thought really hard about how their streets could be improved whilst balancing various competing inetrests. But anything that was not an isolated off the shelf palett parklet seemed to fail to register. There was the usual lack of funding problem which I am sure is genuine (although the TRA had already identified a number of sources) but also a complete real lack of ambition or imagination. They just seemed so very disinterested - like their time was being wasted.
Please see point one on the faq. The admonition about researchers use of the boards as a free resource is there for your protection. Does your university have guidance about research within online communities?

Thankyou for your heads up. I shall take a look at the link. I am just curious to get a feel as to how other residents (than the ones I interviewed) felt about the potential uses for such spaces.
I attended a meeting at which the local TRA tried to explore with the Kerbisde strategy team an opportunity to deal with resident identified issues on a small group of streets through considered application of the Kerbside strategy. The local residents had thought really hard about how their streets could be improved whilst balancing various competing inetrests. But anything that was not an isolated off the shelf palett parklet seemed to fail to register. There was the usual lack of funding problem which I am sure is genuine (although the TRA had already identified a number of sources) but also a complete real lack of ambition or imagination. They just seemed so very disinterested - like their time was being wasted.

Thankyou very much for your feedback and its unfortunate that the TRA feedback session left you feeling unheard.



Having read the terms and conditions I see that the foreum request that it not be used for student feedback. That being said I shall respect the rules and end my question here.

Thankyou for everyone who got back to me.

You could carry on the conversation by making more specific suggestions. It's hard to give or indeed analyse feedback on such a poorly described 'idea'.

For example, although I said that car parking spaces are in short supply I am not suggesting that they should be protected in that location. You appear to think that all your respondents are locals. You seem to assume that replies to the thread are direct contributions to your research, and that posters will not be the same people you have already interviewed.

The faq has that info because of a long line of poor quality 'lazy' researchers. You have now joined that group but you are welcome to stay and be part of the actual urban community :)
You could carry on the conversation by making more specific suggestions. It's hard to give or indeed analyse feedback on such a poorly described 'idea'.

For example, although I said that car parking spaces are in short supply I am not suggesting that they should be protected in that location. You appear to think that all your respondents are locals. You seem to assume that replies to the thread are direct contributions to your research, and that posters will not be the same people you have already interviewed.

The faq has that info because of a long line of poor quality 'lazy' researchers. You have now joined that group but you are welcome to stay and be part of the actual urban community :)

Thankyou for taking time out to get back to me.

Judging by your harsh and judgemental tone it appears you seem to have issues greater than the one I posted. Happy hearts reflect happy energy.

I hope you find peace in yours

All the best.

Thankyou for taking time out to get back to me.

Judging by your harsh and judgemental tone it appears you seem to have issues greater than the one I posted. Happy hearts reflect happy energy.

I hope you find peace in yours

All the best.
Bless you. Most of us have issues greater than the one you posted. Stick around and find out.
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