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Social Media creates label - art imitates cyber


Peckham Wry
I saw a documentary a many months/years back back - about a guy trying to track down a Reggae artist from the 70's - Shella Rickards, only 1 tune was her entire catalogue, a Bunny Lee production, so yer man went to Jamaica to find out more - he was probably thinking she was a Phyllis Dillon type artist - watch the vid if you like musical mysteries - she3 did not return to recording far a I know - BUT that documentary resulted in a record label, Shella Records - see what they did? laffs making socks drop - here is one of their retro styled discs for your listening pleasure

The trailer for the docu is here

I did see the whole thing back in the day, but seems no longer up on YT - still, you can see enough to see why others were inspired to get the name out
PS Phyllis Dillon worked in banking in New York, flying back to Jamaica to record tunes for Duke Reid, with some real killer tracks - check Dont Stay Away a tune she wrote when she was 17!!!
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