Lambeth Green Party Press Release
Lambeth Labour's Housing Scandal Deepens
Lambeth Council's scandalous eviction of 40-year-old 'shortlife' housing co-operatives has taken a new twist with Lambeth Green Party's discovery of yet another broken promise from the ruling Labour group.
In their
2010 local election manifesto Lambeth Labour Party pledged that they would:
"Never sell off council-owned homes unless the proceeds will pay to make at least double the number of homes available for rent."
This has clearly not happened and this hostage to fortune has now become all the more pertinent with the 'shortlife' scandal. 'Shortlife' housing has been sold to private buyers with the proceeds being used to boost the council's cash reserves rather than being ringfenced.
Recent FOI requests on the subject of “shortlife” housing have been rejected as vexatious, highlighting both the council's lack of transparency and acute embarrassment.
And in yet a further broken housing promise the council stated as recently as last month that it will only guarantee that 40 per cent of its Somerleyton Road development in Brixton will be offered at social rent. This despite a pledge to ensure 50 per cent of all new developments would be social housing.
Lambeth Green Party spokesman Jonathan Bartley said:
"Raising funds off the back of residents who have been in Lambeth for up to 40 years is morally wrong to start with, but to do so and not use the money to increase housing stock is outrageous - all the more so when it was 'promised'."
"This betrayal underlines how flawed Lambeth's eviction policy is, a triple whammy for housing: selling off social housing stock, throwing people onto an already massive waiting list and not using the money for more social housing."
Julian Hall, Green Party spokesman for Clapham, where many housing co-ops are situated, added:
"This is yet another broken promise by the Labour Party, but should we be surprised? Elderly and vulnerable co-op residents in Clapham were categorically told that 'Labour councillors will continue to fight for your right to stay in your homes' only for these same councillors to support the evictions!"
"The evictions policy has been slammed by all parties, including national Labour figures, but Lambeth want to press on regardless, refusing to answer any questions on it. The arrogance of the council is frightening. Lambeth is far from the 'co-operative council' it wants to be."
"What is happening to housing co-ops should act as a warning to all Lambeth residents - Labour will break its promises."