The Singularity has happened; we call it "the industrial revolution" or "the long nineteenth century". It was over by the
close of 1918.
Exponential yet basically unpredictable growth of technology, rendering long-term extrapolation impossible (even when
attempted by geniuses)? Check.
Massive, profoundly dis-orienting transformation in the life of humanity, extending to our ecology,
mentality and social organization?
Annihilation of the age-old constraints of space and time?
Embrace of the fusion of humanity and machines?
Creation of vast, inhuman distributed systems of information-processing,
communication and
control, "the coldest of all cold monsters"? Check; we call them
"the self-regulating market system" and
"modern bureaucracies" (public or
private), and they treat men and women, even those whose minds and bodies instantiate them,
like straw dogs.
An implacable drive on the part of those networks to expand, to entrain more and more of the world within their own sphere? Check. ("Drive" is the best I can do; words like "agenda" or "purpose" are too anthropomorphic, and fail to acknowledge the radical novetly and strangeness of these assemblages, which are
not even intelligent, as we experience intelligence, yet ceaselessly calculating.