I finally made it over to see The Artist. I thought it was worth seeing, but wasn't the big award worthy film its been made out to be. I think mostly it's gotten that talk because making a silent film (nearly silent) is a brave choice. But, overall the plot was lacking and bit slow in places.
It was well cast. The people really fit the parts well. I've never seen the leading man before, but I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers (although being French might be a dealbreaker.) He suited the part of the swashbuckling movie hero well and could carry off the darker stuff too. The female lead, "Peppy" was about as peppy as you could ask for. In fact, I got a bit tired of all the grinning after a while.
The supporting cast was stocked full of lead player playing bit parts and obviously enjoying it.
The use of sound was fairly interesting. It's not really a silent movie, its just used sound sparingly and in the right places.
A few bits in the movie were an homage to previous movies. There's a bit where the lead actor is having breakfast with his wife and they pan meaningfully to the grapefruit on the table, hinting that she was going to get it in the face ala Jimmy Cagney. The ending was a bit like the ending of any Ballywood movie you've ever seen.
And yes, The Dog stole the show.