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Shrimp Tank / Aquarium

I went push netting for shrimp a couple of weeks ago. After two hours I had netted 19 whole shrimps.

I felt such a failure all shrimps were set free
Looking at something like this


Jesus that's so tiny! It would really mess with their heads, you shellfish fucker!

Got the tank home and it transpires that the 'goldfish' is actually a female Guppy :D

The tank is pretty neglected and the gravel is filthy. Doubt it has had any tlc for a very long time so a big job.
You can get really fine substrates now that are much better for planting. Probably worth starting it fresh.. Get some stresscoat to treat new tap water ( save any water you have.. Did you get any when you got the tank?), new substance etc. The guppy 'should be fine in something temporary for the few hours it takes and they are fairly hardy.
You can get really fine substrates now that are much better for planting. Probably worth starting it fresh.. Get some stresscoat to treat new tap water ( save any water you have.. Did you get any when you got the tank?), new substance etc. The guppy 'should be fine in something temporary for the few hours it takes and they are fairly hardy.
I planned ahead so have left about 15 litres of water to stand for over a week. At the moment the tank is a third full so will save some of that.

Not got much (if any) budget available for provisions. Going to need some elbow grease, vinegar and razor blades to get it straightened up. Also the light seems to be broken, hopefully just a fuse :hmm:

The Guppy is certainly hardy as it seems that they kept it in cold water.
Eheim filter


Seems to be one of these but with with half of it missing :facepalm:

It would seem I have picked up a filthy tank, broken light, half a filter and one Guppy :facepalm:
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Is it possible it's just a smaller version?
I have stick it in for now. Water is still cloudy but has only been sitting for a couple if hours. In the past I always used an under gravel filter so am a bit green with internal filters.

I still had some birthday Amazon vouchers left over so have got a new light tube, filter, heater, thermometer and some food for £30ish. Should do for a while although the filter may not be suitable for the shrimp :hmm:

Tank seems settled now. Have 6 female and 2 male Guppies happily eating and shitting around the top two thirds of the tank. Also got 3 very small Otto Catfish who also seem happy in their new surroundings.

The only concern I have is introducing Shrimp with no plants/substrate in the tank :hmm:
I suppose the great thing is that if you get bored of them they are either fishing bait or for the barbecue. I could be tempted.

The Guppies have bred like Rabbits and I now have two temporary 'Hatcheries' in the tank :facepalm: So the Guppies have taken over the tank before the shrimp arrive!

I doubt the place I got them from will want them back an not sure what to do with the little fuckers :mad: Anyone want some Guppies? :D

Considering setting up another tank. This one is fine but I regret not setting it up properly with plants and such. Also the lady Guppies are very 'hungry' so not convinced they will be good tank partners for the Shrimp :hmm: They have been 'nipping' at the snail already :(

Thinking that I could move the male Guppies into a new tank as they are smaller/calmer than the ladies. Then get the tank established with some plants before getting the Shrimp in.

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