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Should the UK government put more pressure on Sudan government give in to pro-democracy uprising?

Willow Berridge

New Member
For 5 weeks now the people of Sudan have been protesting against the genocidal rule of Umar al-Bashir in Sudan. The main slogan of the demonstrators is 'just go' (tasgut bas). This is widely acknowledged as the most substantial popular uprising since the one that overthrew the last military dictator in 1985, but the soft-touch approach towards the Sudanese regime by major international players including the UK is playing a major role in its survival (How foreign backing is keeping Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir in power). So should the UK government be pressuring the Sudanese government to give way and allow genuine democratic change? If you think the answer is yes, sign and share this petition Petition: Condemn Sudan’s use of lethal force vs protests, pressure for democratic change
Iirc British companies are up to their necks in Bashir's regime in order to get access to oil etc.
Is that still the case? The oil's in South Sudan, although I think all the refineries and transport network is Sudan.

In answer to the title question, yes. I've friends there, I, as did others here, lived in Sudan and loved the place and people. I want peace and love for all of them.
democratic change? is there a basis for democracy in that country?
Dear Anton,
Yes- Sudan has had more successful pro-democratic uprisings than anywhere else in the post-colonial MENA region. The Sudanese people achieved it twice in 1964 and 1985 (I wrote a book about it), peaceful protests overthrowing authoritarian military regimes and bringing in periods of parliamentary democracy. The parliamentary regimes were never perfect but elections in those periods (1965-1969, 1986-1989) were generally regarded as free and fair. This is why the democratic culture is strong there
So why is the British government willing to acknowledge the legitimacy of the opposition in Venezuala (UK recognises Juan Guaido as interim President of Venezuela), but not in Sudan? How can Britain support the opposition in a country whose government has not committed mass atrocities and call on Maduro to stand down, but not do the same with Umar al-Bashir who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (which the UK supports) for Genocide? How? Anyway, this is why I am contuining to push this petition...on 7669 now Petition: Condemn Sudan’s use of lethal force vs protests, pressure for democratic change

BBC Documentary...Sudan Livestream Massacre

Horrific images of peaceful protesters being shot last month.
Live phone video clips have been compiled and put together to make this documentary.
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