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Sat 21st May Lambeth SOS Peoples assembly, Lambeth Town Hall


Just got this though:
Lambeth Save Our Services has called a People’s Assembly as part of the campaign to fight the cuts to services in Lambeth.

Our libraries, children's playgrounds, schools, NHS services, elderly peoples’ provision are all under threat of the axe. Local people are fighting back.

The Lambeth People’s Assembly will be both a festival of resistance and an organising centre to exchange experience and plan for action.

John McDonnell MP,
Gill George, (UNITE/ Health Sector),
Ruth Cashman, (Unison/ local librarian),
Ted Knight (former leader Lambeth Council),
UK Uncut,
Smiley Culture campaign.
tenants, pensioner and disability groups,

Workshops: to plan and organise actions.

Entertainment: music, comedians against the cuts, poster and banner making for kids, local campaign stalls and much more.

The event will take place from 12-4pm at the Lambeth Town Hall. Join us! and spread the word!
What's the Smiley Culture campaign got to do with cuts to Lambeth services?

The only reason they're there is because Lee Jasper knows that most people are too respectful to speak ill of the dead. He taking advantage of a group of emotionally vulnerable family members and friends to rekindle his own discredited political career. Could a human being stoop any lower?
I must admit, I am finding the Smiley Culture campaign a bit of an odd addition to the meeting. That's not to say that there may not be a case to answer, but it does seem completely at odds with the issue of community cuts.

It's a bit like when the Lambeth Green Party suddenly went all 9/11 conspiraloon.
Why isn't he there in a BARAC capacity (Black Activist Against The Cuts).

Tbf, a certain otherwise great bloke and prominent Lambeth Green has his weaknesses on 9/11 and homoeopathy, but it isn't local party policy :D.
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