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Russian forces fire on RN vessel in Black Sea... (23/06/21)

Makes up for having to scramble some RAF jets to escort Bears back out over the North Sea.

That escort duty is a regular feature, but rarely gets reported.
Just happened to have the BBC on board for this stunt. What other shitshow are they trying to distract us from?

Exactly. State broadcaster BBC headlines with report from reporter who just happens to be on board.
There are journalists on many UK military operations/exercises - certainly film crews have gone with previous RN deployments to the black sea (they even made a tv series about it...), there have been journalists on the UK contingent with the UN force in Mali, there were journalists on the recent Joint Warrior exercise off Scotland, and there will be journalists with the rest of the RN carrier strike group as it does its round the world cruise...

Of course, experienced defence/media watchers will be well aware of this - I mean, no one would want to be thought of as some tRuTh sEEkinG moOn hOwLer who sees conspiracy when there is none....
I was reading about this yesterday but didn't really understand it enough to post but the USNI are reporting it and I guess they must be a reliable source?

So what’s the motive for provoking this little skirmish? The fact the journos were placed on board makes it abundantly clear that the U.K. top brass who ordered this little mission were perfectly aware of what the Russian response would look like, so why do it?

Some good old post Brexit Britannia rules the waves jingoism, or perhaps putting the idea the Russians are aggressors firmly in the public mind ahead of some other news which will come out next week, or what?

If my family members were serving onboard that ship i’d be spitting chips at them being used as political fodder, but I suppose that is the lot of the military at any time.
So what’s the motive for provoking this little skirmish? The fact the journos were placed on board makes it abundantly clear that the U.K. top brass who ordered this little mission were perfectly aware of what the Russian response would look like, so why do it?
Because Britannia Is Back On The Global Stage and Ruling The Waves
Sending a 69 year old plane to test an enemies defences seems like a smart move to me. You get to learn about the enemies fancy new flying machines and all they see is a museum piece.
They would just shoot the flying fossil down with their air defence systems.
As I understand it, the object of such missions is mainly to check the response times by the UK defence radars & the RAF jets sent to intercept them. It makes sense not to send more advanced aircraft for such sorties.
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