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Russian forces fire on RN vessel in Black Sea... (23/06/21)


Not a Girly Swot, but I like them....

A number of news services are broadcasting this, all from Russian news agency sources.

The vessel is HMS Defender, a Type 45 Anti-Air Warfare destroyer. She's in company with a Dutch vessel HNLMS Evertson.

The two vessel were the subject of a location AIS spoofing operation (no prizes), in the last week...

Not sure what to make of this brief report, as it's just quoting Moscow.

Russia used bombs and gunfire in “warning shots” against a British Navy destroyer in the Black Sea, the Defense Ministry in Moscow said Wednesday.

A Su-24 aircraft dropped four bombs in waters near the Royal Navy destroyer H.M.S. Defender and a border patrol ship fired its gun to divert it after the British vessel entered Russia’s territorial waters off Crimea and refused to heed radio warnings, the ministry said, according to the Interfax news service. Russia alleged the ship was 3 kilometers (2 miles) into its waters when the incident occurred and reversed course after the firing.

The U.K. and its allies don’t recognize Crimea as Russian territory after Moscow annexed the region from Ukraine in 2014.


More detail. Ru is claiming, or its news agencies are claiming, that the vessel was 3km inside Ru territorial waters, however there is form here, with Russia and pretty much everyone else having a different view of what territorial waters means, and how the 12 mile limit should be calculated....
"The vessel is HMS Defender, a Type 45 Anti-Air Warfare destroyer"


"Su-24M bombers dropped 4 OFAB-250 bombs in front of the destroyer"

Am I the only one thinking "If only they had some sort of defence against aerial assault"

Russians like to play close... This is from the Baltic in the last few weeks.

Looks like a pretty standard freedom of navigation operation to me. We get to assert a claim about what is and isn't international waters and they get to rattle the sabres and get a bit arsey while maintaining their claim. Similar stuff has been happening in the South China Sea for years.

The intriguing bit for me is Russia lying about what they did in response but I guess that can be explained in terms of domestic politics.

MOD providing a bit more detail - I think the Russians are talking bollocks, not unrelated to the announcement yesterday that the UK is transfering 2 RN minehunters to the Ukrainian navy, and that Ukraine is buying some UK built warships....
So, what we've got today is an interesting example of infowars/sub-threshold/greyzone operations...

it certainly shows that if you astonish people, they'll believe anything - but I think there's nuance here: the Russian MOD saying they have fired on a NATO warship is big, important news, even if it turns out not to be true.

in some ways it's a classic conspiracy theory: you take a narrative, you pull together disperate threads of truth, add a lie, and then broadcast it at maximum volume and use the viral nature of social media to get penetration.

It's interesting that it turns out that the UK understands info ops enough to have the BBC's defence correspondent on board HMS Defender, but I think today has shown that they were too slow to get the truth out - the story, the emotion was embedded long before the rebuttal started.

Welcome to the future...
Headlining on BBC news now, some interesting footage. RU Coastguard requesting RN ship changes course or get fired upon....

Looks a little, err.... tense on the RN ship.
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