Co-operatives and mutualisation aren't good enough on their own - they need to be placed within a wider context of social equality and mutually recognised social needs. In our current wider context of rabid greed, private ransacking of public services for personal profit, destruction of the idea of society wide commitments and so on you're not going to get co-operatives based on social solidarity. The idea of mutualisation involved in these proposals is quite simply window dressing. Reminiscent if anything of the forced mutalisations or co-operativism from above of Fascist Italy - 15 000 co-operatives ran nationally. Mutualisation isn't the key principle at work here and shouldn't be the thing those opposed to this ridiculous extremism concentrate their fire on, private profit is. Demand a properly mutualised post service ran by and in the interests of its workers and users, and don't even consider supporting these proposals.