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Robert Zemeckis filums

Back to the future is a magnificent film. I'm a big fan of who framed roger rabbit too, and enjoyed death becomes her. After that it all goes a bit west.
The Back to the Future films are great. The first one is a classic.

I very much enjoyed What Lies Beneath. Not his usual style but he carried off the suspense
Back to the Future but this one a close second

Back to the Future is essentially perfect.

Zemeckis had a hell of an unbroken directorial run from 1984 to 1997:

Romancing The Stone
Back To The Future
Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
BTTF2 and BTTF3 (filmed back to back when that was a novelty for Blockbusters)
Death Becomes Her (underrated)
Forrest Gump
Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox both put in tremendous performances, to be fair.

For sure. Of course, the relationship between a teen and an elderly eccentric would come under more scrutiny these days. Not to mention the dodgy mom/son dynamic, the shocking attempted date rape of Lorraine, the voyeurism of George, the stereotyping of Libyans as terrorists and the promotion of upwardly mobile capitalism etc.

But 35 years ago, not all this would have been picked up on - esp when we're younger back then!
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