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rip gay byrne

Even as a foreigner you knew he was an institution, probably seen more clips of him than any other Irish TV personality over the years. Good innings.
Can't say I'll shed a tear for him. Knew what side of the class war he was on. A snob who delighted in his own fame.

He was not born into wealth though. His dad worked in Guinness' brewery on the barges. His early life was in Rialto...not a 'snobby' place.

Whatever people thought of him as an adult he was definitely not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He did become a bit of a know it all but he was well able to get people talking about the shit that was going on in Ireland.
The one thing that made me dislike him was the interview with Annie Murphy... He let that turn nasty and Annie was treated so badly...while he sat there smugly smirking.

That to me, was typical of how women were treated in Ireland. She was telling the truth and made out to be a liar by audience members despite Casey admitting parenthood.
And Byrne just let it all run on...

I used listen to him on the radio when I was a kid and off sick from school. I liked his radio show and in later years I liked his Lyric FM music show but I didnt like the Late Late....purely because of the smugness.
Never knew much about him, but always got a kind of 'vibe' when seeing him on the telly.
Kind of a "don't turn your back on this one" vibe.
Can't say I'll shed a tear for him. Knew what side of the class war he was on. A snob who delighted in his own fame.
His dismissal of the Ann Lovett story was fairly revealing.

He did however indulge PWEI and their duff attempt to be controversial following his rimming of Harry Crosbie.

Having said all that...he was very popular and will receive lots of tributes etc. He interviewed some amazing people and his show was a very long running chat show. 1962 ...on.
Cant find the interview with P Flynn...corrupt politician and general pain in the ass gobshite.
This interview led to the Mahon tribunal as P Flynn made shit up about Gilmartin in the interview with Gay Byrne and Gilmartin decided on hearing the shite that he would give evidence to the Mahon tribunal.
Like him or loathe him, there's no denying what a huge influence on broadcasting and civil (and uncivil) discourse he was in Ireland. Of course, by the time he left TLLS, he was old hat to many but his telly and radio shows were the thing to listen to when I was a kid. Only briefly "met" the guy when he nodded and said "hello" to me on a visit to RTE many years back. I think he could be patronising to women and young people and not shaking hands with Gerry Adams was not the way to treat guests, no matter how "controversial" you think they are.

Ah well. Another part of childhood gone.
Is it the show that channel 4 had in its early days? Perhaps a day or so after it went out in Ireland? It had that quality that many Irish things do for the UK, of being very familiar and at the same time constantly different. I remember enjoying it patchily but never formed an opinion about the bloke.
Is it the show that channel 4 had in its early days? Perhaps a day or so after it went out in Ireland? It had that quality that many Irish things do for the UK, of being very familiar and at the same time constantly different. I remember enjoying it patchily but never formed an opinion about the bloke.
Yup that's the show, The Late Late show. He did have Salman Rushdie on at one point, mid fatwa, I think.

The one and only thing I'll give Byrne is that his toy show was better than Kenny's or Tubridy's.
Lots of people interviewed about him on telly last night.
They also asked people on the street about him. Some very honest assessments of him...people said they didnt always agree with him but that he did give space to different voices.
One man in the street said he was very decent to anyone calling to do a job for him...like the coalman...he said Gay always offered and made a cup of tea and a sandwich for him . Seems to have been kind enough in his private life.
Others saying he was very helpful to them. Always has time for people.

I think he was also a product of his time....and whereas he pushed boundaries he was still framed within the limitations of his own personal development and growth. He was a cog in the wheel of patriarchy but did recognise that at a certain stage...possibly too late for people like Annie Murphy. That interview was appalling. I think he regretted the way he treated her.... At the time that particular interview was before the focus of revelation of abuse in the religious orders..priests and bishops were knocked off their pedastals...and it was the start of an era which eventually led to the clerical child abuse cases.

He certainly was very effected by the religious orders child abuse cases and the horrors revealed about the mother and baby homes.

He felt most at home in Donegal

Special live Late Late show will be on tonight on rte 1 ..sort of a tribute to him.
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