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RIP Alan Arkin

By sheer chance, RTE had scheduled Argo for last friday night. We watched it just to get a fix of the Full Arkin - and he delivered as always.

The last Alan Arkin I'd seen before this was Hearts of the West, a 1970s movie about 1930s Hollywood. The lead is a Jeff Bridges as an aspiring screenwriter who ends up as an extra in B movies - but Arkin comes very close to stealing the show as a grumpy director.

The whole movie's good, but Arkin's one of the best things in it. I don't know if it's easy to find, but I'd say it's worth the effort required to track it down.
Those who don't know the Kominsky method need to get on the Kominsky train, take the Arkinpill, order the full Michael Douglas, etc.

The other night we watched Glengary Glen Ross. AA is a bit of a "second banana" in this one, but it still bears repeated viewing.
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