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Reverend Billy protests in Tate Modern Turbine Hall over BP sponsorship



It's not exactly what I'd call a "mass" exorcism, but here the US's Rev Billy leading an action in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall over BP sponsorship.

The YouTube comments are quite fun:
what the actual fuck was that..
The last thing we need is some crazy american religious nut coming to our country preaching death to bp.

It's hardly their fault they had an accident, it is called an accident after all, and the majority of the affected area has been cleaned up.

Also Americans seem to love referring to it by it's underused original name, BRITISH PETROLEUM, because it is totally Britain's fault the accident happened. Yup.
oh wait whats that!? BP was almost completely owned by the USA when the accident happened! oh no! holy shit! :O
Good cause, but he's a total nut job.

Is the anti-BP/Tate action getting much press in the UK? From over here it seems odd that so many of my friends are spending time lobbying an art gallery, but I suppose a stunt is a stunt.
It's very.... American.

I saw him in action in NY a few years back. An urbanite was in the band!



In editor's second pic of Rev Billy, I thought "Doesn't he look like one of Father Ted's mates?" (It's the hair that got me).

Has the good Rev ever visited Craggy Island? :hmm:
i sort of went to this - missed the exorcism, but made it to the singing on the lawn afterwards. it was.. interesting :D
fwiw, i never realised he was actually a xtian evangelist for proper :eek: :oops:
fwiw, i never realised he was actually a xtian evangelist for proper :eek: :oops:

Erm, he isn't.


He quite often refers to "the rightwing fascist religious nutter people who dress like me in the US" etc.

He recently turned the Space Hijackers into saints of his church. After helping us with an anti-starbucks action two years ago:

I went along to the tate thing, it was pretty interesting, the security/police wouldn't touch him, even when he was covered in oil and rubbing himself all over the BP logo.
I've just realised that i've been googling the wrong reverend billy :oops: i wondered why there was no mention of his ethicalreligious exploits :oops: sorry, it's been a long week... note to self:his surname ain't graham
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