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Reoccurring nightmares regarding missing A level History A level coursework

Even if I retire this year, which is on the cards, I will still have had quite a varied career, most of which I have found interesting and stimulating.

So why is it that whenever I dream I am at work, I have to sell advertising space in the Coaching Venues and Excursions Guide to tourist attractions, as if it is 1995 again and I haven’t yet escaped to a slightly less crappy corner of the publishing industry?
It's maths for me.

The dream is usually along the lines of there's final exams coming up for my degree and I haven't actually been to the maths class for 3 years but somehow I'm going to have to sit the exam. I'm going to have to wing it.

I left university 32 years ago.
Wow, amazing how widespread this fairly specific-sounding scenario seems to be :D At a guess I'd have thought most people would have bad dreams about the exams rather than the coursework.

I almost never dream (or at least, I sleep deeply enough that I never remember my dreams), but half the time I do... it's usually this one as well...

Oddly enough I can never remember the course/module, it's just always that there's some sort of gaping nameless chasm in my span at uni that I was seemingly incapable of noticing and no-one ever thought to ask why I wasn't in classes or doing any work, etc. I guess that's largely a euphemism for my entire post-uni career...
I don’t think I’ve ever had a nightmare about an exam. Didn’t ever do much revision, got average results which tended to be worse as the level of education got higher
I still get exam anxiety dreams.

But I also sort of miss exams in a funny way. They used to punctuate time and personal progress. They also had a very simple binary pass/fail element that mirrored a lot of things in real life, but they were more forgiving because you knew the rules and often got more than one shot.
For years after uni time one I had a recurring nightmare that my degree was rescinded as I missed/failed a module. It did pass. Now I sometimes have nightmares about doing/being accused of doing something awful at work.

I’m going through checks for a new job I’ve been provisionally offered. Once that’s formally offered I reckon the degree dream will resurface. :hmm:
Another recurring dream I have is 'worrying' about not checking standing orders for some time. I suppose that's true as I left the army in '95. :hmm:
Normally when you were scheduled for a duty on Part One orders, it was listed as Jones 234, the figures being the last 3 of your service number. At Woolwich, I noticed it was just my name. On querying with one of the clerks, I was the only one of my name in the RAMC. A regimental records check showed the the only other in the RAMC ever was my uncle in WWII.
I have had a recurring nightmare for years, it stopped for a while, but has started again.

I'm driving a white, usually MB, convertible with a red leather interior. I'm in France, I crash and roll the car. I usually wake up at this point, but I always think the accident killed me.

As a consequence I won't have a white with red interior convertible.
Like many, I had/have dreams about having to be somewhere and being late, getting lost, forgotten documents etc. I used wake sweating and anxious.

Then I retired.

I still get the dreams occasionally, but now I feel 'I'll get there when I get there, and if I don't, it doesn't matter that much'.

An indicator perhaps of the hidden anxiety engendered by being a precarious wage slave. I was a Civil Servant for HMRC working in Debt Management, so about as secure a job as any is, but still that subliminal anxiety.

I believe that the mind is like the ocean bed, more is not known than is known.
I have had a recurring nightmare for years, it stopped for a while, but has started again.

I'm driving a white, usually MB, convertible with a red leather interior. I'm in France, I crash and roll the car. I usually wake up at this point, but I always think the accident killed me.

As a consequence I won't have a white with red interior convertible.
Bit superstitious that, innit?
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