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Reoccurring nightmares regarding missing A level History A level coursework

I wouldn't worry about it mate.

I "left university without a degree" and have a regular nightmare about failing at uni.

I did get a B at history A level though.
I am in my 40s, but have developed a weird and disturbing nightmare, where I have failed to complete and hand in my History A level. Over 20 years ago.
That’s strange because in my nightmare it’s a Geography A level that you fail to hand in.

Are you sure it was history or maybe you’ve fucked up two?

I get a dream maybe once twice a year about failing to hand in my dissertation. Over 20 years ago. When I wake up it takes me a minute or 2 to realise A, I did hand in my dissertation and B it was 20 odd fucking years ago. those minutes are horrible feelings of self admonishment and disappointment, followed by relief. I kind of know what is about.
I have similar dreams about not handing in assignments on time for my degree and having to repeatedly redo the year. I was at uni 40 years ago. :(
Can you remember what you were meant to be writing on? The answer's probably Thatcher, or else Nero or something.
I dream about turning up really late to my higher maths exam and then not understanding anything on the paper. Given I sat it in 1989 (and got an A), it's way more stressful than it has any right to be...
Normal stress/anxiety dream territory - my most frequent one is I'm on my way somewhere overseas and I remember I don't have a current valid passport - they're much the same dream really when it comes down to it.
I used to get a regular dream of running across the school square against a headwind which does sum up my school days. Touch wood though haven't dreamed it for some years.
We need more information. Was this coursework that you hadn't done or were you sat in the examination room refusing to hand in your incomplete paper?

We've all done the former, but if it's the actual exam, it shows mutinous tendencies. Please contact your local party official for re-education
My recurring dream of recent years, since I left my job, is that I carried on working and they owe me A FORTUNE, as I was working and not getting paid. I spend my dreams chasing my manager to try and get paid and can never find him. It's so annoying.

But this week I actually & finally got a cheque for a tidy sum! Will be interested to see what happens in the next installment.
I get these sorts of dreams where I suddenly have to sit an exam paper from 30 years ago or something, but I'm never really panicked in them, I'm just sort of 'Huh, something doesn't seem quite right here'?
Yes. Same. The jarring realisation that I haven’t done any coursework for a particular module, or attended any of the lectures, is always tempered by bafflement and annoyance that I am doing a degree in the first place, because surely I already have one and I am really too old for all this stuff. It’s still a reasonably frequent dream, though.
My recurring dream of recent years, since I left my job, is that I carried on working and they owe me A FORTUNE, as I was working and not getting paid. I spend my dreams chasing my manager to try and get paid and can never find him. It's so annoying.

But this week I actually & finally got a cheque for a tidy sum! Will be interested to see what happens in the next installment.
I want to know what happens too!😄
My recurring dream of recent years, since I left my job, is that I carried on working and they owe me A FORTUNE, as I was working and not getting paid. I spend my dreams chasing my manager to try and get paid and can never find him. It's so annoying.

But this week I actually & finally got a cheque for a tidy sum! Will be interested to see what happens in the next installment.

Dreams of relaxing on your yacht in the Caribbean from here on in. :cool:
I barely have any school or uni dreams. This is a good thing as both traumatic experiences for me, but that I've worked through.

Current anxiety dreams are that I'm due into work for 7am and I'm really late and the first patients are waiting a really long time to be admitted for surgery, delaying the whole theatre list!


I'm at work as a patient, waiting for surgery, but then remember I've eaten some chocolate, delaying having a general anaesthetic for 6 hours. Being told I can have a spinal anaesthetic and sedation instead and not being happy about it and running around and crying in my hospital gown.
coursework (as in something that counted towards the exams rather than stuff you did because the teachers wanted it) wasn't a thing when i was at school, i GTFO'd before doing most of my exams, and have never been in full time education since, so don't think i've ever had this.

i very rarely have dreams (or at least not ones i can remember) and can't remember any on this sort of theme.

Another recurring dream I have is 'worrying' about not checking standing orders for some time

are you jackie weaver?

Yes I have the same dream, though only started relatively recently. There's a module for a degree that I've had months and months to do an essay or project, now the deadline is looming and I really don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing. And I haven't attended the lectures for it. I cant even find the right room. And this fail will mean all the work I've done for the other units will be pointless.

Probably the only lasting impact of my masters course tbh.
I don't think I ever have school/uni/A-level dreams that I can remember, and come to think of it I definitely did History A-levels but have no idea what I did for my coursework in them, presumably I must've done some. If anyone else has an A-level history dream and spots me in it, can you ask me what I'm doing my coursework on?
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