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Regeneration for "Lambeth estate, Geoffrey Close, York Close and Canterbury Close"


I've been sent this press release from Riverside that all seems rather jolly. Anyone know more?
And where exactly is 'Lambeth estate'?

Residents shaping future of Lambeth estate in multi-million pound regeneration programme

Residents are having their say on multi-million pound investment proposals to regenerate a Lambeth estate.

The first consultation events were held in December when housing association Riverside began asking people living in Geoffrey, York and Canterbury Close to have a say on what’s important to them.

A second event was held in May, with 80 customers getting involved, and the consultation is now continuing.

Riverside is planning to invest millions of pounds to build safer, warmer homes that are cheaper for customers to heat, create better open spaces for residents to enjoy, and improve the local environment and community safety.

The most important issues raised by residents so far are feeling safe and secure around the estate; parking arrangements; and continuing to provide the Mo Gorman Community Centre on the estate. Better designed open spaces for all age groups; improved layout in new homes; and storage space and private balconies were also highlighted.

No firm plans have been drawn up yet. Consultation with residents is still continuing so there is time for people to get involved. Drop-in sessions are on-going, and a tour took place in July for residents to visit a neighbourhood elsewhere in London where similar regeneration work has been carried out.

An independent tenants’ advisor, who has experience of working with customers on regeneration schemes, is providing independent advice to Riverside and will help residents set up a tenant steering group.

Stephen Elliott, Riverside’s Regional Director, South and Central, said: “We are delighted by the huge response from residents, and the workshops have given us an opportunity to hear more about what they would like to see on the new estate. Their ideas are helping us to shape the future of this estate and it is crucial that residents are part of the journey every step of the way.

“We are in the early stages of this long-term project. At this stage it is difficult to say when a planning application will be submitted to the council but we anticipate this won’t be until next year. Due to the size of the project, work will need to be carried out in phases to minimise inconvenience, so it could take up to seven years to complete.”

There are a number of ways that Riverside customers and residents can get involved:

· Visit a dedicated Riverside web page www.riverside.org.uk/lambeth where there is a questions and answer guide.

· Join a dedicated Facebook group. To find out more, visit www.facebook.com/groups/lambethestate/
Here's Riverside's on-trend mission statement:
We are building: We’ll be stepping up supply, building more homes for rent and sale, and offering a helping hand to those who can’t afford a property of their own.

We are connecting: We’ll put customers first, connecting them with excellent services that they can access online. We’ll work with those who need extra support, helping them to turn their lives around.

We are renewing: Neighbourhoods matter to us. We’ll be improving some of our most challenging communities, narrowing the gap between our best and worst performing places, and adding value to our homes.

We will achieve these objectives by following three routes

Adding value: Driving better value for money across the Group, by maximising our income and driving down costs, enabled by further investment in our key IT systems and infrastructure.

Engaging our people: Embedding a culture of high performance as an employer of choice, with a clear focus on engagement, equality and diversity and effective communication.

Raising performance: Improving joined up planning and performance reporting across the Group, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards as part of a ‘safety first’ culture.
Riverside’s Vision & Values as approved by Group Board
Vision: Transforming lives, revitalising neighbourhoods


  • We are people-focused, empowering our diverse customers and colleagues to fulfil their potential.
  • We are courageous, taking responsibility for our decisions and actions, standing up for those without a voice.
  • We are trusted, great collaborators, acting with honesty and integrity.
  • We are ambitious, pushing ourselves to do more and be better.

Our vision | Riverside
If you look at this it seems they are being softened up for the Guinness Trust treatment


  • Lambeth-Newsletter_June-2017_FINAL.pdf
    1.5 MB · Views: 4
If you look at this it seems they are being softened up for the Guinness Trust treatment
Creating ideas of how homes could be laid out, options for open spaces, the provision of community space and how customers could get around the estate

I'm assuming that this isn't for actual social housing and it'l be another of those hybrid developer wet dreams?
It's behind Coldharbour Lane, between Lilford Rd and Kenbury St. GLC-looking lowrise blocks.

It's a nice little estate, quiet and friendly. I don't doubt that balconies and bigger windows would be welcome but given recent regenerations I am not at all convinced that a wholescale rebuild will be a positive thing for the residents.

Incidentally there is a memorial garden on the Kenbury St side for the Dunblane massacre children, presumably someone there was a relative.
If you look at this it seems they are being softened up for the Guinness Trust treatment

I know some people on the old Guiness Trust flats like the new ones. In my mind two problems with Guiness Trust estate. First that londstanding residents on insecure tenancies were not rehoused. Second only tenants with the old social rent tenancies got rehoused with same tenancies at social rent. The extra housing in the site above rehousing the old tenants is on the new ,so called , affordable rent of up to 80% market rent for area. ( Normally set just below benefit cap. As "social" housing providers know there tenants ( sorry customers:facepalm:) will need to claim benefits if on the new affordable so called rent. They also don't get long term tenancies. Up to five years. Which may or may not be renewed. Theory is that one is supposed to try hard to better:rolleyes: oneself and buy a place in central London.

So if this Regeneration project is on same lines as the Guiness one it's not in practice doing much to increase social housing.
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