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Redtube (no not that one) and Communist Videos

Eternal yes! A mighty people. Comparing Cuban May Day rallies to US MAGA rallies is like comparing glorious mountain ranges to specks of dirt!

Thought that this would be as good a place as any to put this. It's a video about how the CIA is a terrorist organisation. It seems like YouTube has done everything short of removing the video to starve it of viewership. I got a warning before being able to watch it on YouTube, and you probably won't be able to watch it on this page. I'm here to do my part in circumventing the algorithm and applying the Streisand effect. Enjoy the forbidden fruit.

Thought that this would be as good a place as any to put this. It's a video about how the CIA is a terrorist organisation. It seems like YouTube has done everything short of removing the video to starve it of viewership. I got a warning before being able to watch it on YouTube, and you probably won't be able to watch it on this page. I'm here to do my part in circumventing the algorithm and applying the Streisand effect. Enjoy the forbidden fruit.

Calling the CIA a terrorist organisation is about as controversial as calling water wet lol.
We could have had internationalist socialist solidarity in the UK...

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May Day 1977 in Derg-governed Ethiopia. Interesting to see a banner of Stalin at the parade. Typically after Destalinisation in the Soviet Union, it was only hardline and Chinese-affiliated communist regimes that displayed images of Stalin. As a Soviet ally, it’s strange to see the image in Ethiopia. Maybe the fledgling regime didn’t understand this ideological divide? Although it was certainly brutal enough to make Stalin proud.

I know, but Stalin-worship was very much verboten in the post-Stalin USSR and its East European satellites. To date I’ve only seen his image on display in anti-Soviet communist regimes (China, Kampuchea, Albania) not in Soviet-allied States like Ethiopia.
1955 saw another glorious victory for the Communist-Socialist coalition in San Marino national elections.

The Installation of the two comrade Captains-Regent of the Republic in April of the same year.

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One day the mighty Haitian people will drive the blood-drenched imperialist murderers from their country once and for all

When asked that age-old question, if you had a time machine and could go back in time and take out any historical figure, who would it be? Those on the left tend to say Hitler, while those on the right say Stalin. Anarchists on the other hand know how to kill 2 (or 3) birds with one stone, and that the obvious answer is Lenin.
whoa is this indymedia around Y2K?
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