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Recommend me a decent Soho/West End pub/bar


Meeting someone in Soho tonight but since the demise of the Intrepid Fox I've no idea of where to go.

Ideally I want somewhere that's non corporate, non trendy and where alt/rock/indie/strange people gather and isn't deafeningly loud.

There's The Ship in Wardour St, the Spice of Life, Bradleys Spanish Bar (perhaps a bit too small) and the Arts Theatre Club but I haven't been to these places for years.

Recommendations please!
The Toucan Bar in Carlisle Street (if you like Guinness)
Or The Pillars of Hercules that is close to that….
A friend of mins is doing a jam session in this venue and it looks rather interesting so maybe one for later

It’s very good - my favourite London bar. Not alt/rock/indie/strange, a bit ‘cooler’ but proper cool not posing. Reminds me of Shoreditch in late 1990s eg Foundry. Also cheap.
The Shaston Arms (Broadwick St ish) used to be decent. (Packed right after work but thinned out a bit later, lots of space to stand outside, no idea how the whole WFH thing has affected it though.)
I might pop into the Coach & Horses

here were two dead hours in the afternoon when the pub closed, during which time the customers wandered Soho like lost souls, decamping either to the Colony Club or one of the even less salubrious dives which were the only way to be served alcohol in the afternoon. Around six o’clock those still able to walk went back to the Coach, so they could be insulted by Jeffrey Bernard; or, indeed, Balon. I was hooked. A gallery of wastrels, among whom I felt immediately at home: ne’er-do-wells living between irregular paycheques, chancey loans or, rarely, but not for want of trying, gambling winnings.

I might pop into the Coach & Horses

Also as Pickman's said, French House. Dave the Hat hangs out there a fair bit.
Nobody's mentioned the Harp in Chandos Place, so I will. Can get crowded though. There's a small sanctuary upstairs.
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