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Recommend me a body lotion/moisturiser for old bints please 1


Increased Leisure Citizen

I'm old and my skin has started to get that old bint kind of look, you know, the very tiny superficial cracks and crazes, a bit like the marbling on some pottery, well, i don't like it so much. I don't smoke and keep out of the sun but want to use something that actually makes a difference rather than just hydrates.

I've tried Simple, various Body Shop and Lush lotions and butters, Dove, Jorgen (??), baby bottom butter from Waitrose, the only one made a difference was the Jorgen (??) one for old bids, but it had lots of green tea in it and the smell was too strong for me.

So Suburban Ts & Ds, over to you :D
What Body Shop ones have you tried?

Splendid question, I don't recall the names but have tried one that smelt of almond and a couple of the nutty body butters, I've also tried the spray on oil, which is quite hydrating just after a shower but I was looking for something with a bit of old bint help in it.
Whatever you like. It won't make any difference.

Use one with UVA and UVB protection to try and stop the rot. And of course the Boots No7 perfection thingy is the only thing that has ever been shown do do anything at all.
Astral cream! It goes on like the grease slick of a cross channel swimmer but does, when it's sunk in, give a pleasing moisture.
Clinique's Deep Comfort Body Butter is pretty good. Not the cheapest. I've also found it good at soothing irritations.

A lot of people swear by Palmers which is one of the cheapest.

I might get the Jorgen one next time I buy some as I love the smell of green tea. In fact I now have a craving for the real thing and am off to make a cup. :)
I'm not sure any of them will do much to stop the signs of ageing. I like The Body Shop's Shea Body Butter, because I do think it helps to alleviate the lines I get on my face when I sleep. Palmers do a shea formula as well which is nice, but hard to get hold of (I have to order it online).
Whatever you like. It won't make any difference.
^this :(

What is your skin like aside from that? If its dry then you need to use oils and buttery type things but if it's not then a collagen rich gel might be worth a go. You can layer up gels and butters if you're really serious and loaded but he truth it that by the timeout shows up on the surface of the skin then it's probably to late to do anything about the wrinkling. Anything you do use will take a couple of months to see a 'result'. If ever.
I find as I get older the real key is limiting the amount of moisture I strip away when I shower. It's remarkably dull but my skin is much better when I use Aqueous Cream to wash with. Since having my daughter I've learnt from taking care of her that mild olive oil is a cheap and great moisturer if very slippy. I do sometimes use other stuff when I miss lovely scents etc but the cream and oil beat anything I've tried.
You can add essential oils to the olive for scent lagtbd. I sometimes make herb infused oils or mix essential oils into sweet almond oil for body stuff but I don't really moisturise my body very much tbh
I like The Body Shop's Shea Body Butter, because I do think it helps to alleviate the lines I get on my face when I sleep.

I love that - it feels and smells like a L'Occitane product but is half the price. I might try it on my face if it alleviates lines. Especially after looking in the bathroom mirror yesterday, seeing what I thought was a shadow and realising it was AN ENORMOUS LINE. :eek::(:mad:
Whatever you use, try to use it when you're still a bit damp out of the bath/shower. I use Aveeno triple oat thingy, which is quite light so might not be up to the task you want, but I have found that when I use it on slightly damp skin, 1) I don't need as much, and 2) my skin feels far more moisturised and for far longer than if I use it on really dry skin.

I'm old and my skin has started to get that old bint kind of look, you know, the very tiny superficial cracks and crazes, a bit like the marbling on some pottery, well, i don't like it so much. I don't smoke and keep out of the sun but want to use something that actually makes a difference rather than just hydrates.

I've tried Simple, various Body Shop and Lush lotions and butters, Dove, Jorgen (??), baby bottom butter from Waitrose, the only one made a difference was the Jorgen (??) one for old bids, but it had lots of green tea in it and the smell was too strong for me.

So Suburban Ts & Ds, over to you :D
If you mean Jergen's naturals, there are loads of other flavours/versions of it that don't contain green tea and may not smell as much. You may get on fine with one of the ones that isn't specifically for older skin as it's already pretty good moisturiser.
Wasn't there another thread a while back that was recommending that Norwegian brand? :hmm:
It may even have been me recommending it again (I didn't bring it up this time though!). It's one of the few cheaper brands that doesn't contain any paraffin based ingredients. The Mr rates it as he wants to avoid putting yet more petroleum based products on his hands after working as a mechanic; his hands get very dry without it for the same reason. Seems to last ages as well.
Oh, I seem to remember that petroleum based things lead to a cycle of dependency :D whereby your skin gets even drier once you stop using it, so you have to keep using it. It's supposedly why vaseline isn't really that good for your lips after all. Or something. I don't know. I know fuck all about this grooming lark, I use Head'n'Shoulders ffs.
Oh, I seem to remember that petroleum based things lead to a cycle of dependency :D whereby your skin gets even drier once you stop using it, so you have to keep using it. It's supposedly why vaseline isn't really that good for your lips after all. Or something. I don't know. I know fuck all about this grooming lark, I use Head'n'Shoulders ffs.
Yes they do, unfortunately the Mr can't 100% avoid getting diesel, grease and engine oil on his hands and of course he needs a hand cleaner with solvents to get it all off after.
What I do know, however, is that anything with silicone-type ingredients in it fucks up my scalp. Which is a bugger for someone with frizzy-curly hair who sometimes goes curly, but mostly straightens. A few years ago I found out all about natural afro haircare stuff, and haven't looked back. Great stuff.

I'm old and my skin has started to get that old bint kind of look, you know, the very tiny superficial cracks and crazes, a bit like the marbling on some pottery, well, i don't like it so much. I don't smoke and keep out of the sun but want to use something that actually makes a difference rather than just hydrates.

I've tried Simple, various Body Shop and Lush lotions and butters, Dove, Jorgen (??), baby bottom butter from Waitrose, the only one made a difference was the Jorgen (??) one for old bids, but it had lots of green tea in it and the smell was too strong for me.

So Suburban Ts & Ds, over to you :D

I fly for work and can end up looking a bit....desiccated. Only thing that works for me is the 'This Works' dry leg oil. I put it on everything. But again, not cheap....
Fair enough, I never look elsewhere so no idea of prices, just going with the it's not cheap comments :D
It's £3-£4, sometimes as much as £5 for a big bottle. They sell it all over, ASDA and Boots included. It seems to last a long while as well - I wouldn't know to recommend anything expensive as I'm a massive cheapskate. :D
For me, it has to whatever Vaseline Intensive Care is trying to call itself these days. It is quite industrial in its penetrative and absorbent powers. A lot of brand creams are too perfumed for me and tend to sit on the skin. My proof of its absorbency is that, within minutes of smearing it over my body, the hair on my head begins to feel less dry and more silky...
For me, it has to whatever Vaseline Intensive Care is trying to call itself these days. It is quite industrial in its penetrative and absorbent powers. A lot of brand creams are too perfumed for me and tend to sit on the skin. My proof of its absorbency is that, within minutes of smearing it over my body, the hair on my head begins to feel less dry and more silky...

You do realise that would be scientifically impossible, don't you?
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