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Reasonable times for DIY noise?


Is so vanilla
Last Tuesday, my neighbour's boyfriend* started doing noisy DIY in the flat below mine and also in the communal stairwell - banging and hammering and also angle-grinding noise from tile-cutting - at around 18:30 and it continued till 22:28h, and only stopped because I went and told him to stop.

I complained to the housing - who had already contacted my neighbour about DIY noise in the evening. They were supposed to have told her not to make building noise at unreasonable times.

It's been quiet all weekend, but angle-grinding noise started about half an hour ago, so they're starting after 17h on a Sunday night.

What times do you consider reasonable for DIY building noise in a block of flats?

*I'm assuming boyfriend because of the antisocial hours he's doing the work, outside the hours of what's presumably his day job, and also because this seems to be her MO - this seems to be the third builder boyfriend who she's had doing renovations for her.

What's reasonable on weeknights?

What's reasonable in the day at the weekend, does it differ Saturday to Sunday?

What's reasonable on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night?
Last Tuesday, my neighbour's boyfriend* started doing noisy DIY in the flat below mine and also in the communal stairwell - banging and hammering and also angle-grinding noise from tile-cutting - at around 18:30 and it continued till 22:28h, and only stopped because I went and told him to stop.

I complained to the housing - who had already contacted my neighbour about DIY noise in the evening. They were supposed to have told her not to make building noise at unreasonable times.

It's been quiet all weekend, but angle-grinding noise started about half an hour ago, so they're starting after 17h on a Sunday night.

What times do you consider reasonable for DIY building noise in a block of flats?

*I'm assuming boyfriend because of the antisocial hours he's doing the work, outside the hours of what's presumably his day job, and also because this seems to be her MO - this seems to be the third builder boyfriend who she's had doing renovations for her.

What's reasonable on weeknights?

What's reasonable in the day at the weekend, does it differ Saturday to Sunday?

What's reasonable on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night?

If your housing manager has told her not to make building noise at unreasonable times, they should have specified what those times are, and they should tell you what the specified times are.
8 to 6 weekdays, 8 to 1 on Saturdays and not on Sundays around these parts in social housing. Leasehold stuff could well be stricter.

It's called Standard Working Hours.

Contact your housing people soon if too much for you and progress toa noise complaint with local council Environmental Health if you feel necessary.

IF a noise abatement order of granted the finger is £5k if breached.

They may ask you to record it using an app that looks volumes, times and dates

As it's a neighbour and home based DIY i'd try and get the housing and neighbour to agree to a cut off time you can all live with.
I think I must be a terrible neighbour. I do DIY stuff late usually after work weeknights but try to keep the noisy stuff to reasonable hours. Jackhammers n that
Depends on who your council is I live in Wandsworth and the hours you're allowed to make noise is 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm Saturday not allowed to make any building works noise on a Sunday
I complained to the department that deals with noise one Saturday because the upstairs owner was having building work done past 1pm on a Saturday and they called round to his flat and told the builders they had to stop
I’d be fucked if the council tell me when I can do DIY. Doesn’t help shift workers for a start
8:00 till 16:00 mon/fri and not at all on weekend is what I think is reasonable in a domestic setting, obviously if you have a noisey hobby like blacksmithing then it can annoy
I’d be fucked if the council tell me when I can do DIY. Doesn’t help shift workers for a start
But you live in a house, don't you?

I live in a block of flats and my neighbour's latest boyfriend is doing work in the flat directly below mine and also angle-grinding in the communal stairwell at gone 10pm (concrete and brick, painted surfaces, so all hard surfaces and the noise echoes all through the building).
As mentioned it will be in the lease, but in terms of actually getting shit done;

8am start on weekdays reasonable... Finish 6/7, but ask/give heads up if after 5pm. Weekends I'd say start after 10am, end whenever (because people do go out), but again - with permission. That's kind of the key really, if it's outside normal working hours, just ask. Grinders or similar though kind of have to be working hours because they're so loud in air. Hammering (and even hammer drills) tend to be much worse for any immediate neighbours, so if you know they're out you can get away with it.

But yeah, even with permission the louder tools are going to affect more than the person you actually asked. So that's really normal work hours only.

Also most people don't know how sound transmission works, so will prob ask the wrong neighbours.
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After 10pm is too late for sure, but personally I wouldnt say DIY noise has to stick to the same hours as tradesmen. It's a tough one. It's good you spoke to her directly before and it's shit she is disrespecting you by letting it continue.

I would be pissed if someone was making DIY noise before 10 or after 8 at the weekend I think.
Legally it's 11pm when you have to stop making noise.

Morally? Maybe 8 or 9pm for drilling. The odd hammer or bang is annoying but nothing like drilling, so maybe a bit later.
Angle grinder in a shared stairwell at 10pm is absolutely 100% taking the fucking piss.
You should phone the noise nuisance number for whoever is your council they may not work on Tuesday nights they usually contact you the next day your neighbour could get a £5k fine
Last Tuesday, my neighbour's boyfriend* started doing noisy DIY in the flat below mine and also in the communal stairwell - banging and hammering and also angle-grinding noise from tile-cutting - at around 18:30 and it continued till 22:28h, and only stopped because I went and told him to stop.

I complained to the housing - who had already contacted my neighbour about DIY noise in the evening. They were supposed to have told her not to make building noise at unreasonable times.

It's been quiet all weekend, but angle-grinding noise started about half an hour ago, so they're starting after 17h on a Sunday night.

What times do you consider reasonable for DIY building noise in a block of flats?

*I'm assuming boyfriend because of the antisocial hours he's doing the work, outside the hours of what's presumably his day job, and also because this seems to be her MO - this seems to be the third builder boyfriend who she's had doing renovations for her.

What's reasonable on weeknights?

What's reasonable in the day at the weekend, does it differ Saturday to Sunday?

What's reasonable on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night?

Angle-grinding at 10.30pm? Depends on my age. If I'm 25 and up all night twice a week doing Es then fine, you won't mind hearing my music at 3am I presume.

If I'm 60 I think I'm legally entitled to set fire to their property.
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