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radical anthropology - what is it?

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radical anthropology - what is it?

Theres more than just one radical anthropologist group i think (i.e. the Chris Knight one)??
I dunno - is it the same as critical anthropology? One that would fit the bill is David Graeber at Goldsmiths.
Just someone trying to make anthropology sexy I would imagine.

Have you ever seen an anthropologist?

I jest of course.

There's always been an implicit radical streak in anthropology (Radcliffe-Brown was a self-styled anarchist, after all) but most anthropologists default to a vague liberal-left consensus - often very vague.
radical anthropology - what is it?

Theres more than just one radical anthropologist group i think (i.e. the Chris Knight one)??

Where CK is concerned, it appears to be the misuse of anthropology to push an ideological/political agenda. More 'reactionary' than 'radical'. But he's not the first and he certainly won't be the last.
Up your own arse then. Just as i thought. Hey, if you don't want to acknowledge the historical roots of the 'trade', then fair dos. I like the unreconstructed types. Principles.
I'm quite comfortable with acknowledging the history of anthropology - theory, mis/use under early capitalism/establisment of nation states, etc.
That's not a radical perspective though. It's just honest.
I'm quite comfortable with acknowledging the history of anthropology - theory, mis/use under early capitalism/establisment of nation states, etc.
That's not a radical perspective though. It's just honest.

Black and white. Left and Right. On and Off.
Worldview saturated by dualism - reduction to basic symbolic oppositions.
I've read Blood Relations and I used to go to Chris Knight's Radical Anthropology Group lectures in Plender Street. It certainly is radical.
In what ways are they 'radical' (i.e.:the book 'Blood Relations' and the 'Radical Anthropology Group lectures') ?

The theory is that human beings until they learnt a form of communistic food gathering by males forced on them by female solidarity in the form of a sex strike. The sex strike was organised by synchronised menstruation in rhythm with lunar cycles. Full moon orgies were followed by dark moon menstruation and sex strike. This society helped human beings become human beings in the sense that food gathering for infants was greatly improved and language was invented. Primates who persisted in unbridled competition between males continued to be dominated by alpha males and the potential food gathering capabilities of other males for child rearing was unrealised. So the first human society was a communist society.

I cant remember all the evidence that supports this offhand, but things that have stuck in my mind are

1. The presence of a dragon myth in nearly all ancient societies. (The dragon being the symbol of the sex strike)
2. The fact that the mean female menstrual cycle is 28.25 days - exactly the same length as the lunar cycle.
The theory is that human beings until they learnt a form of communistic food gathering by males forced on them by female solidarity in the form of a sex strike. The sex strike was organised by synchronised menstruation in rhythm with lunar cycles. Full moon orgies were followed by dark moon menstruation and sex strike. This society helped human beings become human beings in the sense that food gathering for infants was greatly improved and language was invented. Primates who persisted in unbridled competition between males continued to be dominated by alpha males and the potential food gathering capabilities of other males for child rearing was unrealised. So the first human society was a communist society.

I cant remember all the evidence that supports this offhand, but things that have stuck in my mind are

1. The presence of a dragon myth in nearly all ancient societies. (The dragon being the symbol of the sex strike)
2. The fact that the mean female menstrual cycle is 28.25 days - exactly the same length as the lunar cycle.

Is this a well-regarded theory in anthro then? Sounds fucking loony bin to me.
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