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Quick payment question


Fuck it, it's fine.
So work owe me some money for the last couple of months of work. I also owe them a loan. When they've paid me they have taken my salary and calculated tax and everything and then deducted the loan afterwards.

In my head they should have deducted the loan from the main amount and then taxed the rest. Otherwise I'm paying tax on something I owe, rather than something I'm being paid.

Does that make sense? TBH I'm at the stage now where numbers are flying round the screen.
Might depend on the type of loan. When I had a season ticket loan it was classed as a benefit in kind so my tax code changed - the repayments used to appear on the deductions bit of my payslip but I have no idea if I was also taxed on it. Sasaferrato might be able to advise.
was the loan less than £10,000?

If so this link has some detail should this be keeping you awake tonight

This is a net deduction and the loan balance will not reduce taxable pay

So if for example work owe you £6k for the last few months pay, and you also have a £2k loan to repay then you unfortunately still pay tax on £6k

There are some specific rules about national minimum wage and loan deductions but I think this refers mainly to repaying training costs which sounds like it isn’t relevant.
No - they're right.

You pay tax on what you earn, not what you're paid. Having a loan doesn't make any difference.
aparent from where there are specific things which are permitted for 'salary sacrifice' where the tax and more pertinently NI treatment is more favourable
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