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Public transport in Leeds


My niece is thinking of moving to Leeds. She doesn’t drive. Could anyone advise what public transport is like. Can you live there without a car Edie Orang Utan
She doesn’t want to learn to drive.
I’ve never had a car, and ride everywhere, so probs not the best person to call it. It’s quite small, so you can walk into town for work, depending on where you live.
Public transport is terrible - it’s notoriously the largest city in Western Europe with no mass transit system, so we have very few local trains and a shitty bus service with gridlocked traffic, unreliable service, high fares and, depending where you are, a bit of a walk to get to a stop.
I’d advise her to get a bike or find another city to move to! Even if she gets a bike, she’ll need to get on with wide tyres to avoid constant punctures from all the potholes (the roads are poorly maintained)
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I’ve never had a car, and ride everywhere, so probs not the best person to call it. It’s quite small, so you can walk into town for work, depending on where you live.
Public transport is terrible - it’s notoriously the largest city in Western Europe with no mass transit system, so we have very few local trains and a shitty bus service with gridlocked traffic, unreliable service, high fares and, depending where you are, a bit of a walk to get to a stop.
I’d advise her to get a bike or find another city to move to! Even if she gets a bike, she’ll need to get on with wide tyres to avoid constant punctures from all the potholes (the roads are poorly maintained)
Thanks for the response. She’s looking at Chapeltown or Alperton or close to there and will be working in the centre which looks like a walk away so it might be OK.
I assume she means Chapel Allerton rather than Alperton. That and Chapeltown (right next to it) are on one of the better served bus routes that doesn’t get as clogged as the other ones. Nice part of Leeds too. And you can deffo walk into town from there. :cool:
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