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Princess Diana programme tonight


wasn't born to follow
Do you think it should be shown?

I couldn't really give a shit about the royal family so I doubt I will watch it, but is it really that shocking to show photos of a dead woman?

Should the family be afforded respect and dignity?
One image in the film has been appropriately obscured to avoid any unwarranted intrusion into their privacy or that of their families.

Storm in a tea cup apparantly, just another case of self-righteous cunts getting upset about something they think they should get upset about without having seen what it is they think they should be getting upset about.

I'll be watching the match anyway.
It's just a grainy photo which they've also blurred. I don't see that taking it out would take much away from the documentary.

It's already out there anyway just Google Chi & Diana.
Can't see the point of the program. C4 are defending it as being in the 'public interest', ghoulish interest more like. I won't be watching.

I'd hardly refer to them as 'self-rightous cunts', if it was my mum's death bing shown on telly like that I'd be pissed off too. There's way too much of this crap on TV, just look at the news last night about the exhumation at Glastonbury, why do the TV cameras need to be there?
It's not the lads (which I can understand) it's the Diana Fan Club™ and the papers up in arms (the papers that never stop going on about her of course :rolleyes: ) that get my goat.

I agree, too much of this crap on tv.
Big fuss over nothing - I've seen it and it's quite an interesting programme - it's certainly in the public interest, and arguably, in the Royal Family's interest to broadcast - it debunks all the ridiculous conspiracy theories flying around the net.
There are no pictures of dead bodies at all, just pics of the wreck that demonstrate how much the photographers were crowding the site
Orang Utan said:
it debunks all the ridiculous conspiracy theories flying around the net.
What! do you mean the Daily Express has been lying to us all this time?:p ;)
floria_tosca said:
Do you think it should be shown?

Personally I think anyone mentioning Diana should be executed on the spot.
The hyperbole when she died because she could not be arsed to wear a seat belt was bad enough, dragging the bollocks out for over ten years is well beyond the joke.
Described by Channel 4 as one of the most tragic events of the twentieth century.

..words fail me :rolleyes:
It's an insult to her sons and I'm dissapointed in the constant bleating about Public interest, it was 10 yrs ago FFS :mad:
Chanel 4 is fast becoming the Sunday Sport of Telly :(
jusali said:
It's an insult to her sons and I'm dissapointed in the constant bleating about Public interest, it was 10 yrs ago FFS :mad:
Chanel 4 is fast becoming the Sunday Sport of Telly :(
Bullshit - watch the programme and then get on your high horse.
How is it an insult to her sons if it shows how her death WAS a tragic accident and that Al Fayed's ravings implicating their family in the accident are merely a product of a damaged and grief-stricken mind, bolstered by conspiraloons on the internet. Shouldn't that be more comforting towards them?
jusali said:
It's an insult to her sons and I'm dissapointed in the constant bleating about Public interest, it was 10 yrs ago FFS :mad:

More so because they asked Ch 4 not to show the programme, in the interests of respect for their dead mother and for their privacy.


I think it's crass and disrespectful. Regardless what anyone thinks of the royal family, William and Harry were young boys when they lost their mother and they've been reminded of this fact for the last 10 yrs. Give them a fucking break.
Orang Utan said:
How is it an insult to her sons if it shows how her death WAS a tragic accident and that Al Fayed's ravings implicating their family in the accident are merely a product of a damaged and grief-stricken mind, bolstered by conspiraloons on the internet. Shouldn't that be more comforting towards them?

Showing pictures of her body in the car? Pictures of the crash in all it's gruesome detail? On national TV? Comforting?! I get your point OU but Will and Harry are upset by this programme and asked for it not to be shown - their wishes should be respected IMO.
SubZeroCat said:
Showing pictures of her body in the car? Pictures of the crash in all it's gruesome detail? On national TV? Comforting?! I get your point OU but Will and Harry are upset by this programme and asked for it not to be shown - their wishes should be respected IMO.
Why are so many people getting the details of this wrong? THEY ARE NOT SHOWING PICTURES OF THE BODY IN THE CAR! I think investigating what happened is in the public interest, and if this involves upsetting the two lads, then so be it.
Lots of blood and guts is shown on the telly, without relatives' consent and all this programme does is show a pic of a doctor's arm and a crashed car.
Orang Utan said:
Bullshit - watch the programme and then get on your high horse.
How is it an insult to her sons if it shows how her death WAS a tragic accident and that Al Fayed's ravings implicating their family in the accident are merely a product of a damaged and grief-stricken mind, bolstered by conspiraloons on the internet. Shouldn't that be more comforting towards them?

You in media by any chance?
If my Mum had died I wouldnt want pictures of her corpse all over the telly.

Apart from that its just another Channel 4 'Shock Doc' as far as I can tell.
Belushi said:
I know, but I could see you getting het up so couldnt help but troll you :D
Heh heh - I'm not really het up though - it's the Saint Diana acolytes who are getting het up about it
Orang Utan said:

Fair enough, now I can see where you're coming from.
I still think in the interests of the 2 kids it's well out of order photo's or no photo's. If Channel four really think they're gonna put this to sleep because of it's "completely no holds barred factual case closed evidence" I think they need to get off the coke, pop in to rehab and have a little consideration as to the requests of William and Harry.
In the Public interest is getting all too out of hand, my thoughts on it are things that have a direct impact on the public, like bent politicians, cash for questions, dodgy new laws etc are in the Public interest not how pretty young Royals might or might not have died 10 or so years ago.
It's lazy sensationalist journalism, designed to get ratings. If they want good ratings they might actually get a surprise if the investigated tough stuff that really is in the Public Interest (see Jaime Olivers School dinners) which is a credit to them, more of that channel four I say!
I thought it was out of order until someone on a radio phone in pointed out that we have endless documentaries about Kennedy, pictures of people jumping out of the twin towers are still shown, footage of the London buses on 7th July etc. There's no moral outrage on behalf of the relatives then is there? Yes, the two princes will have to suffer the footage and the dredging up of their mother's death but that's just the shit side of having the ultimately priveleged lives they have. Deal with it.
No doubt some of these people objecting about it have no qualms about seeing thousands of dead bodies in Africa due to famine or all those dead bodies in the tsunami.

They were someone's parents as well.

I won't be watching purely because I never really liked her in the first place

Oh, sorry. Just seen Madzone's already made the same point
Interesting enough programme that didn't warrant all the hysteria. It was less about Diana and more about the paparazzi who were accused of having caused the accident and what happened to them. The documentary wasn't sensationalistic at all, but was a well made forensic investigation to prove that the crash wasn't the photographers fault. As they were made to be the scapegoats and as tax money is being poured into investigations that are based on conspiracy theories, this is of some public interest.
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