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Planning to move to Wales

Amman Valley ? - OK in many respects , right on the edge of the Black Mountain , the town of Ammanford about 4 miles away - "reasonable" public transport. ( was brought up not far away so) , overall quite a friendly bunch around there. Worth a look certainly. It is on a main road though.
Thanks for your input. That main road looks nice to me though. I need to find a buyer for my place first, then I am looking forward to arrange a trip to Wales and see with my own eyes. This forum has been very useful.
This is now clearly a wind up. You are avoiding Merthyr, Mountain Ash etc, but seriously considering pembroke Dock, a place so behind the times they could film a Victorian period drama in the streets there without any need for the crew to change a thing to blot out the 20th and 21st centuries!
Well I am not avoiding any part. This forum has been useful. I havent been to Wales yet and I dont trust my workmates comment and criticism
Seriously, don't even consider Pembroke Dock. It's 6 hours and 150 years from anywhere.

I live in Carmarthenshire, I came here after 20 years in London. It's beautiful, house prices are affordable, I live on the edge of gorgeous mountains in stunning scenery, driving is a dream and I'm only 12 miles off the end of the M4. You could do worse.
Seriously, don't even consider Pembroke Dock. It's 6 hours and 150 years from anywhere.

I live in Carmarthenshire, I came here after 20 years in London. It's beautiful, house prices are affordable, I live on the edge of gorgeous mountains in stunning scenery, driving is a dream and I'm only 12 miles off the end of the M4. You could do worse.
Thanks for your useful input.
theitalianalien I think you probably out to have a re-think: what happens if you find a buyer, go over to Wales for a look around, and decide that you don't like any of the places that you can afford?

Will you then chin your buyer off - and possibly cough up estate agents fees - and stay where you are?

In the current property market, if (when) your potential buyers learns that you don't have a solid idea of where to go, or even if to go, they will walk away. Buyers - and sellers - in the current market are only interested in what are called 'proceedable' sales: short chains, solid mortgage offers, people who need to move and who know where they are going.

Sorry, but no one is going to buy your place if they think they will spend the next 6 months being told 'not yet, I haven't found anywhere to move to yet...'

Go to Wales, have a look around, and decide if you want to live there - only then go to the expense and hassle of putting your place up for sale.
theitalianalien I think you probably out to have a re-think: what happens if you find a buyer, go over to Wales for a look around, and decide that you don't like any of the places that you can afford?

Will you then chin your buyer off - and possibly cough up estate agents fees - and stay where you are?

In the current property market, if (when) your potential buyers learns that you don't have a solid idea of where to go, or even if to go, they will walk away. Buyers - and sellers - in the current market are only interested in what are called 'proceedable' sales: short chains, solid mortgage offers, people who need to move and who know where they are going.

Sorry, but no one is going to buy your place if they think they will spend the next 6 months being told 'not yet, I haven't found anywhere to move to yet...'

Go to Wales, have a look around, and decide if you want to live there - only then go to the expense and hassle of putting your place up for sale.

Here he comes the expert of the housing market. What are you talking about? Who said that I am going to take 6 months to decide? I don't have a buyer yet, so you are not familiar with the process, I have been in the housing market for the last 21 years and when I have a buyer like in the recent past I take days to decide. I am asking how the areas are, you are the last one to teach how the process works
Here he comes the expert of the housing market. What are you talking about? Who said that I am going to take 6 months to decide? I don't have a buyer yet, so you are not familiar with the process, I have been in the housing market for the last 21 years and when I have a buyer like in the recent past I take days to decide. I am asking how the areas are, you are the last one to teach how the process works
It does seem rather rash, deciding to sell up to move to a country you've never even visited but hey... 🤷‍♀️.
Here he comes the expert of the housing market. What are you talking about? Who said that I am going to take 6 months to decide? I don't have a buyer yet, so you are not familiar with the process, I have been in the housing market for the last 21 years and when I have a buyer like in the recent past I take days to decide. I am asking how the areas are, you are the last one to teach how the process works

I've sold two houses (as the executor of two estates), and bought one in the last year - two of those during lockdown - but no, you are entirely correct that I know absolutely nothing about the current property market what buyers are looking for and their solicitors are demanding.

I think I'll bow out.
Hello again.....any of you know Cwmamman Road, Garnant......direction Gwaun Cae Gurwen? Is it a nice area to live? Thanks in advance

I know it well, nearly bought a house there and glad I didn't. Higher crime rate for burglary due to heroin coming into Ammanford. And the scenery just isn't as nice as a lot of places because of the scarring of the coal fields.

Llanelli is well shit too. Don't believe the hype about being next to the sea and the coastal path. Dorset it isn't. Highly impoverished town with a lot of social problems. All my disadvantaged school kids come from Llanelli, I know what I'm talking about. I work near there.

You were unnecessarily harsh on kebabking by the way. What was all that about?
I know it well, nearly bought a house there and glad I didn't. Higher crime rate for burglary due to heroin coming into Ammanford. And the scenery just isn't as nice as a lot of places because of the scarring of the coal fields.

Llanelli is well shit too. Don't believe the hype about being next to the sea and the coastal path. Dorset it isn't. Highly impoverished town with a lot of social problems. All my disadvantaged school kids come from Llanelli, I know what I'm talking about. I work near there.

You were unnecessarily harsh on kebabking by the way. What was all that about?
I am asking about the areas...saying things like you'll take 6 months is not necessary, because he/she doesnt know me
I've sold two houses (as the executor of two estates), and bought one in the last year - two of those during lockdown - but no, you are entirely correct that I know absolutely nothing about the current property market what buyers are looking for and their solicitors are demanding.

I think I'll bow out.
I didnt ask and I dont care
It does seem rather rash, deciding to sell up to move to a country you've never even visited but hey... 🤷‍♀️.

It's Wales, not Yemen.

I'd been once before I moved here, for a holiday on the Brecon canal. Then I came for two visits of a few days each for house hunting. Mind you, during those two visits I did a LOT of driving around between Abergavenny, Llanidloes and Ammanford before deciding where to live.
Is it about making a profit or finding somewhere you'd like to live? I wrongly assumed the latter. I'm also going to bow out as you're being quite unnecessarily rude.
Is it about making a profit or finding somewhere you'd like to live? I wrongly assumed the latter. I'm also going to bow out as you're being quite unnecessarily rude.
Well you started saying unncessary comments and criticism.
It's Wales, not Yemen.

I'd been once before I moved here, for a holiday on the Brecon canal. Then I came for two visits of a few days each for house hunting. Mind you, during those two visits I did a LOT of driving around between Abergavenny, Llanidloes and Ammanford before deciding where to live.
Thanks for the input. I appreciate this
Thanks for the input. I appreciate this
Did your friends remember to point out to you that health provision in Wales is a devolved issue so before moving here you have to have evidence that you are in good health and unlikely to be a burden on the Welsh tax payer, or alternatively lodge a bond of £60k which is returned to you over the first 15yrs you live here, minus any deductions for treatment you may have received.
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