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Planning to move to Wales


New Member
Hello everyone, I would love to move to South Wales and I have been told to avoid Mountain Ash, Merthyr Tydfil, Ebbw Vale, Abertillery, Tredegar, Aberdare, Phillipstown, Trealaw, Ferndale etc, any of you know if the little village of Blackmill Bridgend is any better? Thanks
Hello everyone, I would love to move to South Wales and I have been told to avoid Mountain Ash, Merthyr Tydfil, Ebbw Vale, Abertillery, Tredegar, Aberdare, Phillipstown, Trealaw, Ferndale etc, any of you know if the little village of Blackmill Bridgend is any better? Thanks
Who has told you to avoid all those places and why are you listening to them?
And why do you want to move to Wales if you think it's full of places to be avoided?

And what are you looking to do in Wales (apart from tell strangers on the internet that it has so many undesirable towns that you've never been to?) because those locations are miles apart? And what is the supposed appeal of Blackmill in Bridgend, which is a tiny village?
Who has told you to avoid all those places and why are you listening to them?
And why do you want to move to Wales if you think it's full of places to be avoided?
Thanks for replying so quickly. My workmates told me that, I hope they are wrong. I want to move to Wales, because I have seen many beautiful pictures and it is very picturesque. More intriguing than here (Croydon)
Thanks for replying so quickly. My workmates told me that, I hope they are wrong. I want to move to Wales, because I have seen many beautiful pictures and it is very picturesque. More intriguing than here (Croydon)
So why do you want to move to Wales? Most of the places you've listed are hardly renown for being particularly picturesque. If you want 'pretty' go to somewhere like Cardigan or Tenby.
Ok thanks for the input. Aberdyfi and Llandrindod Wells look very pretty too!

You need a much better plan than this.

Do you need to work? Have you got kids who need to go to school, or to college, or to be able to find work?

Do you have a budget? Do you have preferences about whether you want to live in a very rural area or to be in/near a city?

Can you/your partner drive?

Have you ever been to Wales?

(Builth is much nicer than Llandridnodd by the way....)
Hello everyone, I would love to move to South Wales and I have been told to avoid Mountain Ash, Merthyr Tydfil, Ebbw Vale, Abertillery, Tredegar, Aberdare, Phillipstown, Trealaw, Ferndale etc, any of you know if the little village of Blackmill Bridgend is any better? Thanks
There are many options to consider if you might move to Wales. I lived in Cardiff for a few years. Cardiff is great, lots to do, nice parks etc and because of the Uni, quite a lot of younger people / students. But Cardiff isn't cheap and houses are a lot more expensive than in some surrounding towns.

I lived in Cardiff and worked in the valleys. You could do the opposite if you wanted, houses in the valleys are much lower cost than in Cardiff, but there are also fewer amenities. Lots to consider.
Hello everyone, I would love to move to South Wales and I have been told to avoid Mountain Ash, Merthyr Tydfil, Ebbw Vale, Abertillery, Tredegar, Aberdare, Phillipstown, Trealaw, Ferndale etc, any of you know if the little village of Blackmill Bridgend is any better? Thanks
Have you considered New South Wales, which some think an improvement on the earlier version?
You need a much better plan than this.

Do you need to work? Have you got kids who need to go to school, or to college, or to be able to find work?

Do you have a budget? Do you have preferences about whether you want to live in a very rural area or to be in/near a city?

Can you/your partner drive?

Have you ever been to Wales?

(Builth is much nicer than Llandridnodd by the way....)
Also, have you got an umbrella?
Hello everyone, I would love to move to South Wales and I have been told to avoid Mountain Ash, Merthyr Tydfil, Ebbw Vale, Abertillery, Tredegar, Aberdare, Phillipstown, Trealaw, Ferndale etc, any of you know if the little village of Blackmill Bridgend is any better? Thanks
I quite like Blackmill - It's tiny though and I haven't been for a few years. Would often stop in the pub there after visiting friends up in Ogmore Vale - which is a lot more desolate. There's good and bad in all the vallies town. It all depends on the house and where it's situated. I don't think public transport is all that from Blackmill and it's car or the odd bus only. But you're not too far from the M4 and civilisation - though it might be stretching it to call Bridgend civilised
I quite like Blackmill - It's tiny though and I haven't been for a few years. Would often stop in the pub there after visiting friends up in Ogmore Vale - which is a lot more desolate. There's good and bad in all the vallies town. It all depends on the house and where it's situated. I don't think public transport is all that from Blackmill and it's car or the odd bus only. But you're not too far from the M4 and civilisation - though it might be stretching it to call Bridgend civilised
Exactly! It's situated in Ifor Terrace that's the right spot. Close to the M4 as you said, not very far from the beaches and Tondu for supermarkets. Of course it means that I will be car dependant and it might put off potential buyers if I want to sell after 4/5 years. Thanks for your reply
What about Hay on Wye.....you can keep your options open. Half in England, central half in Wales. Downside is long way from train stations ( Hereford or Abergavenny)
Thanks for your reply. I have seen pictures on the net about those places. So cute, but unfortunately the budget is tight.
If I could move to anywhere in Wales, I think it would be either Ruthin or Builth.

I do like Llandudno though...
Cool, thanks for the input, but my budget is very tight. Reading here and there on google, also looking at pictures on the internet, Llandrindod Wells looks enchanting and the best option for my tiny again. I will arrange a visit when I find a buyer for my flat
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