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Places to eat in Leeds


the refinement of my decline
I'll be in Leeds on Saturday and I'm after suggestions for somewhere mid range to have a nice evening meal. Preferably somewhere that is not showing the England game - any ideas?
I was going to recommend two places we head for when in Leeds.

An Argentine grill that has a fabulous atmosphere.
Our favourite traditional Kerala restaurant.
Blackhouse is excellent for steaks

Kendells is a lovely French bistro with lots of atmosphere:
Sunday Lunch Leeds | Kendells Bistro | England

If you want curry, in a crowded and very good field, Shish Mahal:

Or in city centre:

Or for that Harehills vibe: Anands Sweets (no website, no booking, Formica tables, excellent food). Cheap cheap cheap- main is £7 approx
Oh god I could go on. Leeds has the best restaurants. I don’t really often do midrange. I prefer cheap local, me. Santorini for Greek, Anands for curry, Orananise for Moroccan, Piassa for Ethiopian, Lupes for Mexican (my kid works there), Zuccos for Italian (that’s midrange actually, but currently closed cos a car drove into it).

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There’s also this mad tiny sushi bar that’s in my local area (which isn’t exactly a go-to destination, my area) that no one I know has ever been to. That weirdly is apparently rated one of the best places to eat sushi in the country. It only seats about 4 people. And is def not midrange, it’s eye wateringly expensive. But…

wen’s is really tasty:
I remember Arkwright's being a lovely chippy. Possibly not what you're looking for, but still.
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Leeds is brilliant for eating out! Within 15 minutes of me (not near the city centre) I can eat excellent Italian, Thai, Ethiopian, Persian, Greek, and Indian food at various price levels. Only been to Kendells once, it's lovely isn't it Edie? Classy dinner out!

Hmmmm, do we need a Leeds U75 meal out?
Leeds is brilliant for eating out! Within 15 minutes of me (not near the city centre) I can eat excellent Italian, Thai, Ethiopian, Persian, Greek, and Indian food at various price levels. Only been to Kendells once, it's lovely isn't it Edie? Classy dinner out!

Hmmmm, do we need a Leeds U75 meal out?
We go to Kendells for our Mums Christmas night out as a treat 😍

Id love an u75 Leeds meal out! Kaka Tim and free spirit and Orang Utan (who have I forgot? Would you come along cyril_smear :) ).
How should we sort it out, someone set up a group conversation on here or something else?
Back home now highlights were tapas at El Gato Negro and breakfast this morning at If... on the Calls.

Did get soaked last night when the heavens opened and an almighty storm began but it was all part of the fun.

I’m taking the eldest for a University open day on Wednesday. Looking for a decent takeaway near the station so we can get some food for the train back to London in the evening.

Fish and chips would be perfect (she doesn’t eat meat).


I’m taking the eldest for a University open day on Wednesday. Looking for a decent takeaway near the station so we can get some food for the train back to London in the evening.

Fish and chips would be perfect (she doesn’t eat meat).

Does it have to be takeaway? There's a great restaurant right near the station called Bundobust that does 100% veggie Indian 'street food'. Really nice.
Does it have to be takeaway? There's a great restaurant right near the station called Bundobust that does 100% veggie Indian 'street food'. Really nice.
Ta. Depends on timing of trains.

I’m taking the eldest for a University open day on Wednesday. Looking for a decent takeaway near the station so we can get some food for the train back to London in the evening.

Fish and chips would be perfect (she doesn’t eat meat).

That's great. All the other passengers on a two hour plus journey have to put up with your vinegar chips or burgers all the way home.
Also didn't students used to suss out further education without mum and dad.
Times have changed but a smelly burger on a train is still a smelly burger.
BTW fish is meat
That's great. All the other passengers on a two hour plus journey have to put up with your vinegar chips or burgers all the way home.
Also didn't students used to suss out further education without mum and dad.
Times have changed but a smelly burger on a train is still a smelly burger.
BTW fish is meat
Thanks for your help.
That pie’n’mash shop looked pretty good on the way from the coach station to the train station but I wanted to catch the Leeds-Manchester Victoria train with the last 2 hours of glorious sunshine and even more glorious scenery, so couldn’t stop…

The food court in Kirkgate market would be the best AND best value.
Curious about Pieminster - are they the same pies as those you get in shops? Or are they made on the premises?
I pressed my nose up against the window of the Pieminster place to oggle people's dinners and they look pretty good. It's on my list to visit.
That pie’n’mash shop looked pretty good on the way from the coach station to the train station but I wanted to catch the Leeds-Manchester Victoria train with the last 2 hours of glorious sunshine and even more glorious scenery, so couldn’t stop…

Went there a few Sundays ago. There was us and a bloke there on his own. The service was abysmal and the food wasn’t great.
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