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Pig fucking crook: Cameron out! The Downing Street protest

Don't feel at all enthusiastic that this is a useful direction for any anger over this issue to take. I struggle to see how it's anything that could lead in a radical direction and might even make things worse in the medium/long term if he does resign. Happy to be convinced otherwise if people disagree...
Don't feel at all enthusiastic that this is a useful direction for any anger over this issue to take. I struggle to see how it's anything that could lead in a radical direction and might even make things worse in the medium/long term if he does resign. Happy to be convinced otherwise if people disagree...

I thought that, but then I thought that he'd be resigning in disgrace , and the tories will then be a party whose prime minister resigned in disgrace for accepting dodgy money and then trying to hide it. Perhaps if the Brexit vote goes against him he might use that as an opportunity ...

Scary who'd take over, though. Please God not Osborne, not so much something of the night rather something of the primeval slime about him.

And good luck to people demonstrating. At least they're showing how they feel.
Weirdly, it seemed to be partly led by that guy with the megaphone who hangs around Camden and other places and has a YouTube channel. There's a thread about him taking on some council-hired private litter security people somewhere.

Anyway it started off at Downing Street and then, after the cops decided that it had gone on long enough and started saying "you are obstructing the highway, this is an offence, please move back to the other side of the road for your own safety" etc everyone moved up Whitehall towards the Connaught Rooms where the Tory Spring conference is being held. Most people then hung around outside there but some did make a run for a back alley entrance, though got there too late as there were cops blocking it by the time they arrived.

A _lot_ of pig fucking references, very direct ones. A centrepiece was a pig piñata with Cameron's face on it full of Monopoly money (mixing metaphors there a bit).

If anything this demo had more direct impact than usual because it would have damaged Cameron's standing within the Tory party. Which is already not looking great. Just turning up saying "Tory cunts" would be ignored, but his enemies will use this as a further sign of his unpopularity and how badly he's handled this issue.
Don't feel at all enthusiastic that this is a useful direction for any anger over this issue to take. I struggle to see how it's anything that could lead in a radical direction and might even make things worse in the medium/long term if he does resign. Happy to be convinced otherwise if people disagree...

If he resigns then it'll be Gideon Vs Boris both for PM and Brexit. It would tear the Tories apart. But you know that already, I suspect.
Its all very well trying to force cameron out over panama paper gate but if/when cameron goes he will just be replaced with another obnoxious conservative POS just like iain duncan shit was forced out and promptly replaced with another carry on as before conservative, What we need to be doing if or when cameron is forced out is finding a way to force an immediate snap general election preferably one that doesnt return another coalition or conservative government elected by 24 percent of the turnout
I can't see the tories losing unless the other parties agree that their candidates will step down where another opposition party has best chance in a constituency.
Weirdly, it seemed to be partly led by that guy with the megaphone who hangs around Camden and other places and has a YouTube channel. There's a thread about him taking on some council-hired private litter security people somewhere.

Anyway it started off at Downing Street and then, after the cops decided that it had gone on long enough and started saying "you are obstructing the highway, this is an offence, please move back to the other side of the road for your own safety" etc everyone moved up Whitehall towards the Connaught Rooms where the Tory Spring conference is being held. Most people then hung around outside there but some did make a run for a back alley entrance, though got there too late as there were cops blocking it by the time they arrived.

A _lot_ of pig fucking references, very direct ones. A centrepiece was a pig piñata with Cameron's face on it full of Monopoly money (mixing metaphors there a bit).

If anything this demo had more direct impact than usual because it would have damaged Cameron's standing within the Tory party. Which is already not looking great. Just turning up saying "Tory cunts" would be ignored, but his enemies will use this as a further sign of his unpopularity and how badly he's handled this issue.

Charlie Veitch, he's a wanker and a nasty piece of work.
Seems to be an attempt to get something going today as well:

Don't feel at all enthusiastic that this is a useful direction for any anger over this issue to take. I struggle to see how it's anything that could lead in a radical direction and might even make things worse in the medium/long term if he does resign. Happy to be convinced otherwise if people disagree...

I don't think people are taking interest in this just because they think Cameron's a crook, but because Cameron is emblematic of a wider discontent over inequality, and how this is impacting on most people's lives. That's where the anger is, that's the point of escalation, that's how it can be broadened to an attack on capital. Lots of opportunities for that as well, the Top Shop protest after next Saturday's People's Assembly March, the March Wth the Homeless the night before - which is not organised with the police and doesn't ask for permission, the vast range of local campaigns over the NHS, housing, local services or benefits. Who gives a fuck whether people are coming out because of Cameron's dodgy finances, who gives a fuck whether Cameron resigns - and it will be press and internal pressure that causes that, almost certainly not protests - people are pissed off and lots of people, who haven't done stuff before, are wanting to do stuff now. That's an opportunity isn't it? Worth a trip into town for at least.
charlie veitch on ian tomlinson. though the one was posted recently was sam williamson (chasing the kingston litter authorities around) is that who you meant, or was this protest organized by veitch - he seems to be manchester based recently.
The pig thing is getting a bit tired now, given that it's almost certainly bollocks and with the irony that it was co-fabricated by someone who's dodged far more tax than Cameron ever has.
Don't feel at all enthusiastic that this is a useful direction for any anger over this issue to take. I struggle to see how it's anything that could lead in a radical direction and might even make things worse in the medium/long term if he does resign. Happy to be convinced otherwise if people disagree...

He may well be replaced by sombody worse, but we shouldn't have to put up with being constantly held hostage by this kind of compromise. Even ignoring the context of the convtroversy and how insulting it is to the majority of us that have very little financial security, what kind of mesaage does it send if we let a prime minister lie so blatently without consequences?
charlie veitch on ian tomlinson. though the one was posted recently was sam williamson (chasing the kingston litter authorities around) is that who you meant, or was this protest organized by veitch - he seems to be manchester based recently.

He says of Tomlinson "He was riddled with tattoos". 1) Ian Tomlinson had his arms and legs covered. 2) So fucking what!. That Veitch bloke
is as dodgy as fuck. He needs exposing at every available opportunity.
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