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piers morgan captions pls

This can't be beaten.

Though I prefer Piers Morgan v Brett Lee (ex Aussie fast bowler). Brett Lee basically tried to kill him with every ball.

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I got a chance to call him a cunt to his face once :cool: in a pub (Davey’s) in Canary Wharf when he was editor of the Mirror around the time of the Naomi Campbell / chocolate soldier comment. I was drinking with Anton Antonowicz (he could drink) and Morgan was there, being Morgan. Makes me as proud as the night I threw a punch at Charlie Haughey in a hotel in Dublin (I missed and fell over) and got beaten up by his security.:thumbs:
I don't know why but Morgan is featured on an intro for a BBC News webpage interface intro saying his crap "people can have opinions, the only thing they can't have is makeup facts" .. What the fluck Morgan is doing being prominent on a BBC property I don't know, it always looks wrong.

Anyhow the man is a cunt, or better the man is a twat, I avoid him wherever I can.
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